• the unbalanced evolution of homo sapiens: An imaginary dialogue between the “bosses”


    Biggest Multinational Corporations (BMCs) : What the hell are you doing? You dictate governments to cut salaries and pensions, proceed in massive layoffs! You destroy our consumers!

    Banksters : Don’t worry we know what we are doing.

    BMCs : No you don’t. You reduce our profits!

    Banksters : Calm down! We are major shareholders in many of you. Do you think we want to lose?

    BMCs : Then what, exactly, is your plan?

    Banksters : Look, can you imagine what would happen if people were receiving higher salaries and pensions?

    BMCs : Yes, we would be selling more products and making more profits!

    Banksters : Far from it! Your losses would be much more than your profits for a number of reasons!

    BMCs : Can you be more specific?

    Banksters : First: if more money were going to the market, then they would lose much of their value and we would lose profits because we are the ones who print money! That’s why we invented inflation, to keep governments in fear and directing money back to us through the so-called Quantitative Easing Policies.

    BMCs : But inflation happens anyway!

    Banksters : Yes, but it is controlled. We control it. When money start to spread in the society “above acceptable limits”, we create financial crises to take them back. We dictate governments to take measures and apply austerity policies directing money back to us. We keep money valuable to everyone and secure our profits.

    BMCs : Ok, how about the other reasons?

    Banksters : Second: small-medium businesses would have more customers because consumers would have the “luxury” to buy higher quality products locally, even if they were more expensive than yours of low quality due to mass production, so, you would have to deal with thousands of competitors locally because much more of them could survive!

    Third: expensive labor force. You would have to pay higher salaries, therefore lose profits.

    Fourth: without government budget cuts you would have to pay more money through taxes in healthcare and education and other social benefits. Plus, you will have the opportunity for new business in healthcare and education.

    BMCs : Ok, how about extremely low salaries in India, China and SE Asia. We lose a huge market there.

    Banksters : Can you imagine if one day all these people demand Western salaries? That’s why we dictate the fairytale of budget cuts and fiscal discipline to countries. So that to reduce salaries in West and say to Asians: look, don’t ask for too much, look what happens in West. You will get your raise up to a certain limit.

    You see? Once we equalize salaries everywhere, you will get your new market there. New consumers who could spend as much as Americans and Europeans. Plus you will get rid of regulations and fire employees at will without consequences. Governments and politicians by then would become totally powerless.

    BMCs : And how will you do that practically?

    Banksters : But we are doing it already! The experiment in Greece continues as planned. Once we bring salaries at the level we want, and destroy the welfare state, we will continue to the rest of the eurozone.

    BMCs : Well, alright with the PIIGS, but how about France, Germany and the entire north? People will never accept such policies there.

    Banksters : They will. We will start with Italy and Spain. We will order rating agencies to attack, exclude them from markets and throw them to the ECB trap. They will be forced to take similar measures, as Greece did, in order to receive liquidity. Then, we will attack France and Germany.