The changing #comet – call for contributions
Do you enjoy poring over #Images of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko? Have you spotted any changes in its surface features since #Rosetta first arrived at the comet in August 2014? We are keen to hear from you! Between #navcam and #osiris, and not forgetting the regular “OSIRIS image of the day” images and our NAVCAM #CometWatch entries, there are over 20 000 images publicly available to browse covering the 667 days #rosetta has to date spent at the comet. Indeed, 780 new images have been added to our NAVCAM Archive Image Browser this week, covering the period 6 April – 3 May 2016. Thanks to the hard work of the Rosetta downlink and archive group, this means that from now on, every month you will be able to access the full set of NAVCAM images taken during the previous month, and be able to keep (...)