
Agent d’ingérence étrangère : Alle die mit uns auf Kaperfahrt fahren, müssen Männer mit Bärten sein. Jan und Hein und Klaas und Pit, die haben Bärte, die haben Bärte. Jan und Hein und Klaas und Pit, die haben Bärte, die fahren mit.

  • Imperial Chicks

    We’ve analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger.

    Why the Empire?

    Evil? We Imperial Chicks don’t think so. Any government will eventually become as oppressive as its citizens will allow. Was the weakened and corrupt Republic any better? Perhaps the “evil” Empire got its bad rep because the so-called “good guys” won and re-wrote history. Before that, perhaps the Imperials were the good guys and the Rebels were cowardly terrorists.

    Evil? We Imperial Chicks don’t think so. One’s impression of the so-called bad guys is entirely dependent on one’s relationship to them. We want to be the Imperials’ wives and sweethearts. We know they’re going to be very good to us! But then, that’s true of the men on almost every side of a conflict.

    Therefore we will simply choose whichever side is stronger, safer, wealthier, drives cooler vehicles…and dresses more stylishly.

    #wtf #star_wars