
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Gaddafi son Saif al-Islam ’released’ from Libya jail, his lawyer tells France 24

    Muammar Gaddafi’s most prominent son has been released by his Libyan jailors, his lawyer at the ICC has told FRANCE 24. Saif al-Islam was sentenced to death in 2015 for crimes committed during the revolution that overthrew his father.

    The former Libyan dictator’s second son “was given his liberty on April 12, 2016”, lawyer Karim Khan said Wednesday, adding that Saif al-Islam was released under an amnesty and “in accordance with (Libyan) law”.

    Khan declined to say whether he had spoken to his client, saying only that he “is well and safe and in Libya”.

    • Libye : Saïf al-Islam, le second fils de Mouammar Kadhafi, amnistié et libéré de prison
      6 juil. 2016,

      Condamné à mort par contumace par le tribunal du régime libyen internationalement reconnu et détenu depuis près de cinq ans, Saïf al-Islam a finalement bénéficié d’une amnistie générale. On vient seulement d’apprendre qu’il a été libéré mi-avril.

      Karim Khan, l’avocat de Saïf al-Islam, a refusé de dire où se trouvait son client mais il a précisé que son client allait bien et qu’il était en sécurité sur le territoire libyen. La raison pour laquelle la nouvelle de sa libération, tout d’abord diffusée par la télévision panarabe Al Mayadeen, a été retardée reste aussi inconnue.(...)