Reçu via FB:
#Turquie: Interdiction de quitter le territoire pour tout les enseignants-chercheurs.
#Turkey: all the academics are banned from leaving the territory.
#coup #universitaires #chercheurs #Turquie #coup_d'Etat #nettoyage #purge
Reçu via FB:
#Turquie: Interdiction de quitter le territoire pour tout les enseignants-chercheurs.
#Turkey: all the academics are banned from leaving the territory.
#coup #universitaires #chercheurs #Turquie #coup_d'Etat #nettoyage #purge
Et une amie à ajouté :
nos collegues ont interdiction de quitter leur ville, pas seulement le pays
Turkey’s education board demands 1,577 university deans resign
Turkey’s High Education Board on Tuesday ordered the resignation of 1,577 deans at all universities, state broadcaster TRT reported, part of a wide-ranging purge of dozens of state institutions following a failed coup attempt.
EUA Statement condemning the forced resignation of 1577 university deans
Following Friday’s coup attempt in Turkey the education sector, including the higher education sector, has been targeted, as have many other public sectors.
#université #doyens
Turkey coup: Purge widens to education sector
More than 15,000 education staff in Turkey have been suspended after last week’s failed coup, as a purge of state officials widens still further.
La France et l’Europe doivent accueillir les universitaires turcs persécutés
Une chape de plomb s’abat sur la Turquie, en guise de réponse à la tentative de coup d’Etat du vendredi 15 juillet. Il est de notoriété publique que Recep Tayyip Erdogan rêve de se tailler une Constitution présidentialiste à la taille de son appétit de pouvoir, et d’être toujours à la tête de l’Etat en 2023 pour commémorer le centième anniversaire de la fondation de la République turque. Pour ce faire, les événements lui ouvrent une formidable fenêtre d’opportunité.
La France et l’Europe doivent accueillir les universitaires turcs persécutés
LE MONDE | 22.07.2016 à 11h58 | Par Jean-François Bayart et professeur à l’Institut des hautes études internationales et du développement de Genève
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Par Jean-François Bayart, professeur à l’Institut des hautes études internationales et du développement de Genève
Une chape de plomb s’abat sur la Turquie, en guise de réponse à la tentative de coup d’Etat du vendredi 15 juillet. Il est de notoriété publique que Recep Tayyip Erdogan rêve de se tailler une Constitution présidentialiste à la taille de son appétit de pouvoir, et d’être toujours à la tête de l’Etat en 2023 pour commémorer le centième anniversaire de la fondation de la République turque. Pour ce faire, les événements lui ouvrent une formidable fenêtre d’opportunité.
Et le président de la République a fort bien compris la leçon de son lointain prédécesseur. Mustafa Kemal avait instrumentalisé la révolte kurde et islamique de Cheikh Saïd, en 1925, pour instaurer un état d’exception et traîner devant les tribunaux tous ceux qui résistaient ou échappaient à son autorité. A commencer par les Jeunes-Turcs du Comité Union et Progrès (CUP), qui avaient préparé la guerre de libération dès 1916, avant qu’il ne la préempte pour son propre compte. De la même manière, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, qui impute à la néoconfrérie des fethullahci, avec laquelle il est en conflit depuis 2010, la responsabilité du coup de force du 15 juillet, ratisse large. Quand on veut noyer son chien… C’est ainsi que les arrestations parmi l’armée, la police, la magistrature se comptent par milliers, sous prétexte de défense de la « démocratie ».
Lire aussi : Turquie : la purge du président Erdogan s’étend à l’enseignement
La plupart d’entre eux ont fait des études dans nos facultés, écrivent notre langue, partagent nos valeurs et notre pensée
Là où la démesure de l’homme fort de la Turquie pointe son nez, c’est quand il s’en prend à l’enseignement supérieur et à l’éducation nationale. Certes, l’imam Fethullah Gülen, 75 ans, qui dirige la confrérie, a bâti sa stratégie d’influence – assez comparable à celle de l’Opus Dei – en créant de nombreux établissements scolaires et universitaires. Mais, en janvier, Recep Tayyip Erdogan avait déjà fait l’amalgame entre les « terroristes » du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) et les signataires d’une pétition en faveur de la reprise du processus de paix dans le Sud-Est du pays. Quand on veut noyer son chien, etc. Les universitaires étaient particulièrement visés, et des mesures administratives ou financières, des non-renouvellements de contrat, des licenciements, des instructions judiciaires furent décidés à l’encontre de centaines d’entre eux, à la demande explicite du chef de l’Etat, et au mépris de l’autonomie des universités autant que des libertés publiques.
Lire aussi : La Turquie dérogera à la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme
Les précédents de Gaulle et Pompidou
Désormais, la mise au pas des universitaires passe par l’allégation de leur connivence supposée avec l’« Etat parallèle » – la néoconfrérie Hizmet (Service) de Fethullah Gülen, dans la novlangue du parti au pouvoir. Le 19 juillet, recteurs et doyens ont été invités à démissionner. Les enseignants se sont vu ordonner de ne pas partir en congé et de ne pas quitter le territoire. Ceux d’entre eux qui sont à l’étranger, y compris dans le cadre de coopérations internationales du type Erasmus ou autres, sont rappelés en Turquie. Ces mesures ubuesques, qui discréditeront durablement le pays, ou plutôt son régime, sur la scène académique internationale, donnent une idée de la purge à laquelle va être soumis le système universitaire turc dans les prochaines semaines.
Lire aussi : Turquie : l’UE observe l’état d’urgence « avec inquiétude »
Jamais, depuis le coup d’Etat militaire de 1980, ce dernier n’a connu pareille tourmente. Les universités européennes vont examiner les contre-mesures appropriées, de nature à répondre au gouvernement turc sans pénaliser leurs collègues. Mais les gouvernements de l’UE, à commencer par le gouvernement français, doivent lancer un plan d’urgence pour accueillir les universitaires turcs persécutés et leur offrir l’asile scientifique. Le général de Gaulle l’avait fait après le coup d’Etat des colonels en Grèce, Georges Pompidou après celui de Pinochet au Chili. François Hollande doit le faire après le coup de force civil de Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Il s’agit, dans les meilleurs délais, de délivrer des titres de séjour, de créer des postes temporaires et de financer des programmes de recherche au bénéfice du nombre, sans nul doute important, d’universitaires turcs qui devront prendre le chemin de l’exil. Il s’agit aussi de faciliter l’accès à nos établissements des étudiants turcs, désormais privés d’universités dignes de ce nom. A l’échelle de l’Union européenne, le défi financier n’est pas considérable. Dans le contexte dramatique que nous vivons, cette hospitalité s’impose à l’égard d’enseignants-chercheurs qui, pour la plupart d’entre eux, ont fait leurs études dans nos facultés, écrivent dans nos langues, partagent nos valeurs et notre pensée, et à l’égard de leurs étudiants qui y aspirent.
Lire aussi : La dérive autoritaire s’accentue en Turquie
Jean-François Bayart et professeur à l’Institut des hautes études internationales et du développement de Genève
Finnish students wary of studying in Turkey
Finnish students are currently thinking twice before agreeing to study in Turkey under exchange programmes, according to Mikko Nupponen, the person in charge of Erasmus programme at the Centre for International Mobility (CIMO).
Turchia: Milano-#Bicocca aderisce alla dichiarazione dell’EUA
Il nostro Ateneo condivide la dichiarazione dell’EUA Immagine Link Esterno - European University Association, a condanna delle forzata estromissione di 1577 Alte Cariche delle Università turche e oltre 15.200 docenti sospesi, a forte sostegno di tutta la comunità accademica internazionale per sostenere i valori di democrazia, libertà, cultura e conoscenza.
Opinion: Erdogan is draining Turkey’s brains with purge
Universities in Turkey are being systematically brought to heel. Hundreds of academics are being sacked. Soon the country will face a brain drain, with very serious consequences, DW’s Judith Hartl writes.
31 academics detained over failed coup attempt
A total of 31 academics from Istanbul University, including a number of professors, were detained as a part of the ongoing operations against members of the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (#FETÖ), which the ruling Justice and Development Party (#AKP) says was behind the July 15 failed coup attempt. The operation, which was carried out in five different provinces, was based in Istanbul.
Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Jale Saraç tutuklandı
Fetullahçı Terör Örgütünün (FETÖ) darbe girişimiyle ilgili soruşturma kapsamında gözaltına alınan Dicle Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Jale Saraç tutuklandı.
Commentaire vu sur twitter, par rapport à cette news, que je ne comprends pas car écrite en turc :
Head of Dicle University, Diyarbakir arrested - first (I think) university in Turkey to teach in Kurdish...
Turkish academics abroad facing stark choices
President Erdogan has demanded researchers working abroad come home to Turkey. The scientific community in Germany is concerned and angry about the infringement on lecturers’ and students’ rights.
Finnish universities circle wagons around Turkish academics
Universities say they may extend the contracts of Turkish researchers working at Finland while the situation in their homeland remains turbulent. Around 100 Turks are employed by Finnish universities.
Le università milanesi e la Turchia: Erasmus sospesi, docenti controllati
Gli studenti italiani rimpatriati ed è probabile che gli stranieri il prossimo anno non tornino: «Istanbul rischia di perdere la sua atmosfera internazionale». Per i docenti turchi c’è il divieto di espatrio; tanti presidi di facoltà sono stati rimossi fino al 5 agosto
My Father, Academic, Arrested In Turkey Purge
As the massive crackdown on critics was in full-swing across Turkey, we did not rule out that our father could be the next victim. But it was unbearable, overwhelming grief when I saw my handcuffed father, an academic for 30 years, escorted to a prison.
Turquie : plus de 27.000 employés licenciés dans l’éducation
La Turquie a retiré le permis de travail de 27.424 employés du secteur de l’éducation dans le cadre des enquêtes visant le mouvement du prédicateur Fethullah Gülen accusé d’avoir fomenté la tentative du coup d’Etat du 15 juillet, a annoncé jeudi le ministre de l’Education Ismet Yilmaz. « Ce personnel ne sera plus autorisé à travailler dans les institutions d’éducation publique ou privée », a-t-il ajouté.
In University Purge, Turkey’s Erdogan Hits Secularists and Boosts Conservatives
Crackdown, which has snagged associates of imam Fethullah Gulen and others, is designed to remake country’s higher education in president’s image
2346 universitaires licenciés par décrets
Les intellectuels turcs contraints à fuir leur pays à cause des purges
Les intellectuels, professeurs d’école ou d’universités et les journalistes sont parmi les groupes les plus visés par les purges en Turquie. Ces personnes perdent leur emploi du jour au lendemain, parfois leur maison et même leur liberté. Du coup, tous ceux qui le peuvent quittent la Turquie.
Turkey arrests 26 more academics, university staff over coup links
A total of 26 academics and university personnel from Eskişehir Osmangazi University (ESOGÜ) have been arrested on coup charges.
Last week police detained 35 university staff members and academics from the university in simultaneous raids. An Eskişehir court arrested 26 of them on Friday while releasing the rest pending trial.
Among the arrestees are 11 professors and nine assistant professors, according to local media outlets.
In addition to numerous arrested academics, a total of 6,337 were purged from their positions by means of decrees issued after an abortive coup on July 15.
Turkish Prisons Are Filled With Professors — Like My Father
A Turkish professor who was my father’s colleague and frequently visited our house is now incapable of counting right amount of money to pay for a bottle of water at a prison canteen. He is traumatized as a result of days of harsh treatment during the interrogation. He is sharing a prison cell with my father, longtime friends, in western Turkey.
Turkey’s Boğaziçi University dismisses its first academic, bringing total to 7,317
#Noémi_Levy-Aksu, an assistant professor of history at Turkey’s prestigious Boğaziçi University, has been dismissed from her position, the news website reported on Thursday.
Turquie : de la #répression au #suicide
Un jeune assistant chercheur s’est jeté du 7e étage. Sa signature au bas d’une simple pétition pour la paix lui avait ôté tout avenir dans son pays. Les #universitaires ne sont pas les seuls ciblés. Les purges en cours signifient souvent une #mort_sociale.
En Turquie, deux enseignants en grève de la faim depuis 67 jours pour dénoncer les purges
Victimes des purges après le coup d’Etat manqué en Turquie, l’universitaire #Nuriye_Gülmen et l’instituteur #Semih_Özakça jeûnent, dans l’indifférence des autorités turques.
Turchia, quando il sapere è messo all’indice
Nel gennaio del 2016 poco più di mille accademici appartenenti a diversi atenei della Turchia hanno firmato e diffuso un appello dal titolo “Noi non saremo complici di questo massacro”. Il massacro cui si riferiva l’appello è quello provocato dal conflitto in atto tra le forze armate dello Stato e la guerriglia del Partito dei Lavoratori del Kurdistan (PKK). Un conflitto che si protrae da più di trent’anni e che, nonostante due anni di tregua nell’estate del 2016, è purtroppo ripartito, in un modo violento più che mai. Con quest’appello gli accademici invitavano lo Stato a interrompere le operazioni, sospendere il coprifuoco e tornare al tavolo delle trattative, interrotte pochi mesi prima.
Turkey crowd taunts coup suspects at mass trial near Ankara
In the crackdown, police have arrested two teachers who are on hunger strike.
Nuriye Gulmen and Semih Ozakca reported their own arrest during the night in tweets. They are among more than 100,000 public servants sacked after the botched July 2016 military coup.
Ils ont apparemment twitté leur arrestation à partir de leur compte (en turc...) :
Two Turkish teachers on 75-day hunger strike detained by police
Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça have been on strike after losing their jobs in purge that followed coup attempt
How to Liquidate a People? Academic Freedom in Turkey and Beyond.
Turkey: Academics facing terror charges reach 90 days on hunger strike
Turkey’s authoritarian shift has been unmistakable this past year. Following the coup attempt in July 2016, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s purge of state institutions has led to mass dismissals, including over 8,000 academics. Similarly, over 2,000 schools, dormitories and universities have now been shut down, causing great concern for Turkish education.
RIG Turquie #1 : la grande purge d’Erdogan : les universitaires
Deux profs victimes des purges au seuil de la mort
Nuriye Gülmen et Semih Özakça sont en grève de la faim depuis 104 jours.
La résistance des intellectuels turcs à l’étranger
Asli Erdogan, romancière turque accusée de propagande terroriste, n’est pas, et de loin, la seule intellectuelle turque à être victime des purges qui ont suivi le putsch manqué du 15 juillet 2016. Nombreux sont celles et ceux, chercheurs, universitaires, qui ont fui leur pays et qui, de l’étranger, organisent la résistance intellectuelle. Ils dénoncent la répression du président Erdogan et demandent la paix au Kurdistan. Il y a quelques jours, ils ont lancé un appel au boycott, pour mettre fin aux collaborations avec les universités turques jugées complices. Ces chercheurs demandent aux facultés du monde entier d’accueillir les intellectuels persécutés. En #Suisse, Daphné Gastaldi (@daphne) a rencontré deux académiciens à l’origine de ce combat.
#exil #chercheurs #Université_de_genève #Cagla_Aykac #Engin_Sustam
Nuriye Gülmen et Semih Özakça vont mourir et ce silence est encore une torture.
Depuis deux jours que je suis rentré d’Istanbul, j’ai peur d’apprendre dans les journaux la nouvelle de leur mort. Après 110 jours de grève de la faim, emprisonnés depuis plus d’un mois en Turquie, Nuriye Gülmen et Semih Özakça vont mourir dans l’indifférence de l’Europe. Pour avoir refusé de se soumettre au terrorisme d’État, pour être devenus les éclaireurs d’une résistance populaire.
Nuriye et Semih sont dans un état de faiblesse irréversible, incapables de marcher ou de parler. Leurs cœurs vont cesser de battre et nous, peuples d’Europe, nous n’aurons rien fait pour empêcher qu’ils meurent d’avoir désobéi à un tyran.
#Aysen_Uysal, politiste en Turquie, empêchée de se rendre au 14e Congrès national de science politique à Montpellier
L’AFSP vient d’apprendre avec beaucoup d’émotion la suspension du passeport d’Aysen Uysal, professeure de science politique à l’Université Dokuz Eylül en Turquie. Aysen Uysal s’apprêtait à se rendre au congrès de l’Association Française de Science Politique dont elle est une habituée depuis le début des années 2000.
Turquie : deux enseignants en grève de la faim, symbole des purges
Nuriye Gülmen, une universitaire, et Semih Özakça, un enseignant, ont été limogés par des décrets-lois émis dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence instauré à la suite du putsch manqué du 15 juillet 2016, imputé à la confrérie du prédicateur Fethullah Gülen.
Par ailleurs, ils refusent d’être examinés par l’équipe médicale envoyée par l’administration pénitentiaire depuis qu’elle a menacé de les alimenter de force. Et les autorités ont refusé qu’ils choisissent leurs propres médecins, selon M. Kozagaçli.
“Academics for Peace” in Turkey: a case of criminalising dissent and critical thought via counterterrorism policy
On 11 January 2016, 1128 academics in Turkey and abroad signed a petition calling on Turkish authorities to cease state violence in mainly Kurdish populated areas of the country, which had been under curfew and an extended state of emergency. The petition received an immediate reaction from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who accused the signatories of treason and terrorist propaganda. He subsequently demanded that public prosecuters launch an investigation. Criminalisation of the petition has been exacerbated by disciplinary action by universities against many of the signatories. Many have suffered insults, arrest, detention or suspension as a result of the ensuing smear campaign. This massive crackdown on academic freedom has been masked by discourses of counterterrorism, which have also been deployed to criminalise dissent more generally in Turkey as a part of a process of rapid “democratic retrenchment” since 2013. This article is an attempt to put the criminalisation of academics within the larger framework of human rights violations, increasing curtailments of academic freedom and rising authoritarianism in Turkey. It argues that the prosecution of the signatories of the petition is an extension of an established tradition of targeting academic freedom in times of political crisis in Turkey but is also a product of growing authoritarianism under the ruling party and President Erdoğan. It shows that counterterrorism laws can be extended far beyond eliminating security threats by instrumentalising them to suppress dissent in a declining democracy.
Turkish educators on hunger strike taken to hospital by ‘force,’ lawyer says
Imprisoned educators Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça were taken to Ankara’s Sincan Prison Campus Hospital “by force” on the 143rd day of their hunger strikes early on July 29 although the authorities did not have their consent, the educators’ lawyer Ebru Timtik said.
Ozakça libéré, Gülmen reste en prison
Les proches des deux enseignants en grève de la faim ne masquent pas leur dépit après la décision rendue vendredi par la justice turque. L’inquiétude est grande pour l’état de santé de Nuriye Gülmen.
Nuriye Gülmen libérée, Semih Özakça acquitté
L’enseignante en grève de la faim a pu retrouver les siens vendredi après six mois de détention, mais elle est condamnée à six ans et trois mois de prison.
Turquie : l’Université et la recherche sacrifiées sur l’autel de la répression
Depuis la tentative de coup d’État de juillet 2016, les purges ont touché 148 000 fonctionnaires, dont près de 6000 à l’Université. Tous les établissements liés au mouvement Gülen ont été fermés, leurs enseignants limogés et souvent traînés en justice, tout comme beaucoup de signataires de l’Appel des universitaires pour la paix. Subsiste-t-il encore des espaces de liberté dans la recherche ? Une pensée critique peut-elle encore trouver refuge à l’Université ?
Fin de la grève de la faim de Nuriye Gülmen et Semih Ozakça, après 324 jours de grève de la faim
Turquie : résistance contre Erdogan
Ils sont les visages de la résistance en Turquie : les deux enseignants Nuriye Gülmen et Semih Ozakça ont annoncé vendredi qu’ils mettaient un terme à leur grève de la faim partielle entamée il y a près d’un an pour protester contre leur limogeage dans le cadre des purges lancées après le putsch manqué.
« Nous arrêtons aujourd’hui notre grève de la faim, à son 324e jour. Mais notre combat continue », a déclaré l’universitaire Nuriye Gülmen, qui apparaît amaigrie au côté de l’enseignant Semih Ozakça dans une vidéo diffusée par leurs soutiens sur Twitter. Comme plus de 150 000 fonctionnaires, les deux enseignants ont perdu leur travail lors des grandes purges orchestrées par le gouvernement après la tentative de coup d’État du 15 juillet 2016. Ils étaient accusés par les autorités d’appartenir au DHKP-C, un groupuscule d’extrême gauche classé « terroriste » par Ankara ainsi que Bruxelles et Washington.
Leur grève de la faim a fait des deux enseignants l’un des symboles des purges lancées par les autorités turques dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence instauré en Turquie après la tentative de coup d’Etat du 15 juillet 2016 contre le président Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
13 teachers detained over Gülen links in Turkey’s Samsun
At least 13 teachers were detained as part of an investigation into the Gulen movement in Turkey’s southern province of Samsun, media said Friday.
Police carried out operations in several locations in the Black Sea province of Samsun and detained all the suspects.
12 of the 13 teachers were earlier dismissed from their jobs over alleged affiliation with the Gulen movement, according to media.
Meanwhile, detention warrants were issued for another 70 teachers as part of a separate investigation into the Gulenists in the capital, Ankara, state-run Anadolu news agency said the same day.
Turquie, les universitaires solidaires
Lorsque je prends contact avec elles, Asli et Gizem me préviennent : « si c’est pour raconter une nouvelle fois que nous sommes de pauvres universitaires en danger et muselés, ce n’est pas la peine ». Lassées du misérabilisme, ces deux universitaires veulent avant tout raconter comment la résistance s’organise en Turquie : « nous travaillons et luttons plus qu’auparavant, et nous n’abandonnons pas », précisent-elles. Au lendemain de la tentative du coup d’état du 15 juillet 2016, l’état d’urgence est proclamé. Le gouvernement turc émet alors des décrets lois qui ne sont pas encadrés par le pouvoir parlementaire. Un régime qui ne fait qu’aggraver les nombreuses pressions pesant déjà sur l’institution judiciaire ou sur les universitaires. Médecins, juges, procureurs, enseignants, policiers, plus de 100 000 fonctionnaires sont exclus. Dans le monde universitaire, une pétition pour la paix, lancée en janvier 2016 pour l’arrêt des violences dans le Sud-Est du pays, donne un prétexte au gouvernement pour étendre sa purge. Les signataires de la pétition subissent des pressions ; révocations, licenciements, mises à la retraite d’office… Plus de 450 perdent leurs postes. Au-delà de la perte de leur emploi, c’est leur place dans la société et leur liberté qui est atteinte, puisqu’une révocation par décret loi entraîne par exemple la confiscation du passeport et empêche donc toute sortie du territoire. Au total, plus de 5 000 universitaires et 60 000 enseignants (enseignements primaire, secondaire et supérieur confondus) ont été renvoyés ou interdits d’exercer à la suite d’un décret-loi. D’après les données fournies par les réseaux de solidarité étudiante, près de 450 étudiants sont actuellement en détention pour des raisons politiques.
Comme l’explique Asli et Gizem, les universitaires d’habitude peu enclins à l’action collective, ont été contraints de faire front commun et d’apprendre à lutter ensemble. Pour créer du savoir autrement, des académies solidaires sont créées dans tout le pays à l’initiative de quelques 200 universitaires. « L’objectif est de permettre à chacun de participer à la création du savoir et de pouvoir y accéder. Nous souhaitons également initier de nouvelles méthodes de travail en dépassant les clivages et divisions interdisciplinaires », expliquent-elles. Asli et Gizem sont elles-mêmes membres d’une des premières universités solidaires, l’« académie sans campus », qui travaille depuis le printemps 2016 et organise notamment des ateliers et des rencontres autour des questions de genres ou de l’histoire sociale du capitalisme, et vise à renouveler les méthodes d’apprentissage et de partage de savoir dans le monde. Pour pouvoir être étendu et prolongé, le mouvement fait appel à la solidarité afin par exemple de voir des bourses de recherche délivrées à certains enseignants, d’encadrer les mémoires et les thèses des étudiants dont les directeurs de thèse ou de mémoire ont perdu leur poste en Turquie, ou encore d’assurer un accès aux sources et ressources documentaires et bibliothécaires des universités étrangères.
24-year-old Boğaziçi University student arrested over Gülen links
A fourth-year international relations student at Istanbul’s Bogazici University, identified as M.N., was put in pretrial detention over his ties to the Gulen movement.
Milliyet newspaper reported Feb 15 that the 24-year-old student was detained after a police raid at his home, on Dec 6, 2017. While police seized his electronic devices including computer and cell phone, he was formally put in pretrial detention on Dec 13, after spending a week in police custody.
An indictment prepared subsequently seeks between 10 to 15 years in prison for M.N., also the president of the university’s student union, OTK between Nov 2014 to Dec 2017.
Owner of now-defunct Izmir University detained for funding intercultural dialog events
At least five businessmen were detained as part of an investigation into the Gulen movement in Izmir, according to media.
State-run Anadolu news agency said Feb 20 the detention warrants were issued for 7 people for having funding intercultural dialog events organized by the Izmir Cultural Dialog Center (IZDIM).
Several academics, bureaucrats and businessmen living abroad earlier travelled to Izmir as part of IZDIM events, Anadolu said.
While 5 of the suspects were detained, the remaining two were reported to be abroad.
Those detained include Ismail #Selim_Doğanata, the owner of the Izmir University and Fatih College.
Both the two schools as well as IZDIM were earlier shuttered over links to the Gulen movement.
Turkish government accuses the movement of masterminding the July 15, 2016 failed coup while the latter denies involvement.
Teacher with 25 years of experience working as hotel receptionist after dismissal
#Ismet_Sözen, an elementary school teacher until he was dismissed by a government decree issued under post-coup emergency rule in 2016, is now earning his keep by working as a night-shift receptionist at a hotel in Bursa province.
According to Cumhuriyet newspaper, Sözen was dismissed by the government decree, like some 40,000 other teachers.
History teacher, died of torture in police custody, reinstated to job 19 months after his death
#Gökhan_Açıkkollu, a history teacher who was tortured to death while in police custody in the wake of a coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016 over alleged membership in the Gülen movement, was found innocent one-and-a-half years later and “reinstated” to his job.
Leftist rights activist visits grave of teacher tortured to death after coup
Veli Saçılık, a sociologist and leftist human rights activist, has visited the grave of #Gökhan_Açıkkollu, a teacher who was tortured to death while in police custody in the wake of a coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016 over alleged membership in the Gülen group.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan University’s former rector sentenced to 4 years in jail
#Arif_Yilmaz, a medical professor and the former rector of the Recep Tayyip Erdogan University (RTEÜ), has been sentenced to 4 years and two months in jail.
Accused of links to the Gulen movement, Yilmaz spent 11 months in pretrial detention before being released on TL100,000 [$30,000] bail in July 2017.
Detention warrants issued for 300 teachers in a month in Ankara
The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office has issued detention warrants in the past month for 300 teachers who worked in schools owned by people close to the Gülen movement, the tr724 news website reported.
Purged computer teacher commits suicide days after his release from prison
#Mehmet_Kosar, a father of two and a 38-year-old computer teacher in Mugla’s Fethiye who was dismissed from his job over links to the Gulen movement, has killed himself days after he was released from prison pending trial over connections to Gulenists.
Local media said that Kosar hanged himself to an iron bar attached to the ceiling of his bedroom. Kosar killed himself due to physiological problems, according to the same source.
La chasse aux intellectuels en Turquie
Le putsch raté de juillet 2016 a fourni au pouvoir turc l’occasion d’un gigantesque contre-coup d’État. Le régime de Tayyip Erdoğan, qui cherche à mettre au pas de vastes secteurs de la société civile, parviendra-t-il à gagner sa guerre culturelle contre l’université ?
Meliksah University rector sentenced to 10 years in jail
#Mahmut_Dursun_Mat, a professor of mechanical engineering and the last rector of the now-defunct #Meliksah_University, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Erdoğan calls Boğaziçi University students involved in Afrin protests ’terrorists’
Turkey’s president on March 24 has criticized anti-war students at a top university, calling them terrorists following a fight there.
Speaking in the northern Black Sea province of Samsun, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that “communist, traitor youth” tried to mess up a student stand opened by “religious, nationalist, local youth” at the public Boshporus, or Boğaziçi, University.
Erdoğan announced an investigation and said “we won’t give these terrorist youth the right to study at these universities,” the Associated Press reported.
On March 19, a group of students opened a stand distributing sweets dubbed “Afrin delight” to commemorate fallen soldiers in Turkey’s cross-border operation in Syria. Another group protested against them, holding anti-war banners.
Turkey’s official Anadolu Agency said a fight broke out and 12 people were later detained.
Turkey launched “Operation Olive Branch” on Jan. 20 to clear People’s Protection Units (YPG) militants from Afrin. On March 18, the Turkish armed forces and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) declared full control over the city.
Turkey considers YPG to be the Syrian extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).
Four Turkish soldiers were killed on March 22 in eastern Turkey and Syria’s northwestern district of Afrin in two separate instances involving the YPG and the PKK, officials have said.
Under pretrial detention for 20 months, academic Sedat Laciner says ‘miss my home, children, wife, friends, students and books’
Renowned Turkish academic and political scientist Prof. Dr. #Sedat_Laçiner, who was arrested in the wake of a military coup on July 15, 2016, has stated that “I respond to what is said about me, and I don’t run from either prosecution or debate. But the accusations must be a bit rational and fair. I got used to the lynching, but at least the accusations should make sense. Have a heart! I am also a human being.”
Turkish online news outlet T24 has published a letter sent by Professor Laçiner, who as of March 25 has been in prison for 610 days over alleged links to the Gülen movement, to veteran journalist Hasan Cemal, saying that he wants his previous life back.
Turkish couple, both teachers, under police custody in post-coup crackdown: report
H.B., a teacher of Turkish literature; and his wife S.B., a French teacher have been detained over their alleged ties to the Gulen movement, according to media.
Kronos online news portal reported Saturday that the Samsun-based couple is accused of membership to the Gulen movement, blamed for the July 15, 2016 failed coup by the Turkish government.
2,500 schools, dormitories confiscated as 30,000 teachers dismissed during post-coup emergency rule: ministry
Turkish Education Ministry Undersecretary Yusuf Tekin on Sunday said they have completed a purge of Gülen movement members and institutions in his ministry, the DHA news agency reported.
“The fight against Fetö [a derogatory name used by the Turkish government for the Gülen movement] in the Education Ministry in accordance with a state of emergency declared following July 15 [coup attempt] has been completed. Some 2,500 schools, prep schools and dormitories linked with Fetö have been closed and confiscated and given to the service of the nation. About 30,000 Fetö-linked teachers and staff working for the ministry have been dismissed,” Tekin said during a visit to the Yusufeli district of Artvin province.
Tekin also said Gülen movement goals of infiltrating the curriculum and textbooks have been dealt with.
[VIDEO]Police detain 7 Bogaziçi students for participating in protest against Turkey’s Afrin operation
At least 7 student have been detained by police at İstanbul’s Boğaziçi University for participating in protests agains Turkey’s Afrin operation, the Dİken news portal reported.
Detentions came only a day after Turkish President Recep Erdogan said on Saturday that the government will “clean communist and terrorist students” out of Turkish universities.
Yet another 12 teachers detained in Turkey’s Bilecik
At least 12 teachers were detained as part of an investigation into the Gulen movement in Turkey’s southern province of Samsun, media said Wednesday.
Police carried out operations in several locations in Bilecik and detained all the suspects.
The teachers were earlier dismissed from their jobs over alleged affiliation with the Gulen movement, according to media.
Teacher couple detained while hiding from gov’t witch-hunt
A Samsun couple, both teachers with outstanding arrest warrants, was detained while hiding in a neighboring province of Amasya in bid to ditch the government’s post-coup witch-hunt against suspected Gulenists.
Media reported Wednesday that 36-year-old elementary school teacher, identified as S.K., and his wife, a 35-year-old Turkish literature teacher, were rounded up at an apartment in central Amasya where they have hidden to avoid arrest over their alleged ties to the Gulen movement.
Invitation à la conférence de presse
Solidarité avec les Universitaires pour la Paix et défense des droits humains en Turquie
Le silence quasi absolu des dirigeants européens face aux violations des droits humains en Turquie permet au président Erdogan d’ intensifier ses actes de répression en définissant comme “terroristes” tous ceux qui ne cèdent pas et qui s’opposent à sa dérive autoritaire. Le 19 mars dernier, le régime a pris pour cibles les étudiants de l’Université de Bogazici, à Istanbul, qui disaient "NON” à la distribution de loukoums pour célébrer les massacres de l’invasion d’Afrin. Nous, membres du bureau de
Solidarité avec les Universitaires pour la Paix et défense des droits humains en Turquie (SUP-DDHT), serons Place de la Sorbonne, le 30 Mars 2018, à 14h30, pour dénoncer une répression qui menace nos valeurs démocratiques et nous appelons les enseignant.e.s et étudiant.e.s et leurs syndicats à nous rejoindre.
Répression à l’université Boğaziçi :
la guerre avance, la démocratie recule
En Turquie, la politique guerrière étouffe de plus en plus les libertés démocratiques. Le 19 mars, à Istanbul, une vingtaine d’étudiants de la prestigieuse université Boğaziçi ont distribué des loukoums (Turkish delight) pour célébrer la victoire militaire turque d’Afrin contre les populations kurdes en Syrie. En réponse, environ vingt-cinq étudiants ont organisé une contre-manifestation pacifique avec des banderoles comme : « le palais veut la guerre, le peuple veut la paix », ou « pas de loukoums pour les massacres de l’invasion ! ».
Le président de l’université Boğaziçi a dénoncé cette contre-manifestation comme une atteinte à la liberté d’expression des soutiens de la guerre. Le 24 mars, le président Erdoğan est allé plus loin : pour lui, ces « communistes » sont des « terroristes » et « des traîtres à la nation » ; et de menacer : « Nous n’allons pas donner le droit à ces jeunes terroristes d’étudier à l’université ! »
La plupart de ces étudiants ont été arrêtés à l’aube, chez eux ou dans les dortoirs universitaires, d’autres ensuite lors d’une manifestation de soutien. Au moment de leur arrestation et pendant leur détention, la police n’a pas hésité à recourir à la violence. Actuellement, onze sont toujours en prison.
Cette attaque contre la liberté d’expression au sein de l’université vient après beaucoup d’autres. Déjà, fin 2016, il y avait plus de 69 000 étudiants emprisonnés en Turquie. Les chiffres ont beaucoup augmenté depuis lors. Aujourd’hui, 262 procès sont en cours contre les Universitaires pour la paix (BAK). Trois condamnations (à 15 mois de prison avec sursis) sont déjà tombées. Et deux collègues sont en prison : Serdar Başçetin et Onur Hamzaoğlu.
En janvier 2016, ceux-ci avaient publié un texte contre la guerre intérieure sur le territoire de la Turquie : « nous ne serons pas complices de ce crime ! » Depuis, le régime a enclenché en janvier la guerre en Syrie ; il a annoncé le 25 mars que des opérations étaient engagées en Iraq, à Sinjar ; le même jour, la Grèce a exprimé son inquiétude devant l’expansionnisme de la Turquie.
En même temps que la guerre avance, la démocratie recule. Les élus d’opposition, les syndicalistes, les journalistes, les avocats, les universitaires, et tant d’autres qui expriment ou sont susceptibles d’exprimer des désaccords avec la politique du régime sont menacés. La répression contre les étudiants de l’université Boğaziçi marque une nouvelle étape : les universités internationalement les plus reconnues ont longtemps été épargnées. Ce n’est plus le cas aujourd’hui. Au nom de la lutte contre le « terrorisme », tout est permis pour le régime, et rien pour qui voudrait le contester – ni liberté d’expression, ni droit de manifester.
Notre association, Solidarité avec les universitaires pour la paix et défense des droits humains en Turquie (SUP-DDHT), conformément à sa mission, exprime sa solidarité avec les étudiants de l’université Boğaziçi : nous demandons aux autorités de respecter les libertés de pensée, d’expression et de manifestation qui fondent la légitimité universitaire, en Turquie comme partout dans le monde.
Nous condamnons les atteintes aux droits humains en Turquie dont cette répression n’est que l’exemple le plus récent. Nous alertons l’opinion publique sur les menaces que fait peser aujourd’hui cet expansionnisme, en Turquie et dans toute la région. Et nous interpellons le gouvernement français, mais aussi les responsables de l’Union européenne, à l’heure où celle-ci finance des opérations militaires de la Turquie pour rejeter les Syriens à ses frontières. Pour notre part, nous refusons d’être complices d’un régime autoritaire dont la politique met en danger et la paix et la démocratie.
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Teacher diagnosed with cancer after dismissal from job dies
#Ayşe_Çalışkan, a Sakarya teacher who was dismissed from her job in September 2016, died of stomach cancer on March 30.
A mother of two was diagnosed with cancer nearly a month after she was purged as part of the government’s post-coup crackdown.
She had a surgery in Istanbul in June 2017; since then her medical condition has only worse off.
27-year-old teacher infected with HIV virus while in prison: lawyer
A 27-year-old Turkish teacher who was earlier jailed as part of the government’s post-coup crackdown against the Gulen movement, was infected with HIV virus while he was in prison, according to his lawyer.
Lawyer Salih Koçak told Cumhuriyet newspaper on March 31 that his client, a teacher imprisoned over his alleged use of ByLock who wants to remain anonymous, was healthy when he was first arrested on Dec 9, 2016.
Spent 11 months in pretrial detention, the teacher was released in October 2017. During his time in prison, the teacher and 15 cellmates were taken to dentist for 4 times
“[After being released from prison, he got sick and] had a blood test in March. According to results from the Kocaeli University hospital, he was infected with HIV virus. That characteristic of this virus is that it hatches 6 months to 2 years after your body gets infected. If you count down the days, [it turns out] my client was in jail when he was infected,” the lawyer said.
9 Bogaziçi students sent to prison for participating in protest against Turkey’s Afrin operation
9 Boğaziçi student have been arrested by an İstanbul court while 6 others released pending trial after participating in protests against Turkey’s Afrin operation, the T24 news portal reported.
On March 19, a group of students protested other students who had set up a stand at İstanbul’s Boğaziçi University campus to distribute Turkish delight in memory of Turkish soldiers killed during the Turkish military’s operation in Afrin, Syria. Police identified 17 of the protestors and detained 15 of them.
Detentions came only a day after Turkish President Recep Erdogan said on March 20 that the government will “clean communist and terrorist students” out of Turkish universities.
Turkish professor gets 15 months in prison for signing 2016 peace declaration
Professor #Füsun_Üstel, one of the academics who signed a peace declaration in early 2016 criticizing the Turkish government for its violation of human rights and civilian casualties among the predominantly Kurdish population of eastern Turkey, has been handed down a prison sentence of 15 months on terror propaganda charges.
Police seal off Furkan-affiliated student houses in Adana
Turkish authorities have begun to seal off the houses affiliated with the faith-based, government-critic Furkan foundation in Adana province.
Early on Friday morning, police teams reportedly raided the apartments that are reportedly belong to students affiliated with the foundation which has recently been targeted by the Turkish government due to its critical stance. Students were forcefully evacuated and the buildings were sealed off by the police.
An Adana court in early February appointed trustees to the management of the foundation, and arrested at least 21 people including Alparslan Kuytul, president of the foundation.
Students Protesting Massacre Occurred in University Campus Detained
The students who have protested a research fellow murdering four people at #Osmangazi_University have been detained in Eskişehir and Ankara.
Turkish court arrests 3 more Boğaziçi students, bringing total to 13
Three of four Boğaziçi University students who were detained for their views critical of Turkey’s operation in the Afrin region of Syria have been arrested by an Istanbul court, bringing the total number of students under arrest to 13, Gazete Duvar reported.
According to the report, one of the students was released on judicial probation.
An Istanbul court on Tuesday put nine students in pretrial detention on charges of disseminating terrorist propaganda after they protested a military offensive being conducted by Turkey in northern Syria.
A student who had protested their arrest was detained and arrested following the court decision.
‘Gülenist’ teacher extradited from Malaysia gets 18-year jail sentence on coup charges
A high criminal court in the Turkish capital of Ankara has handed down a jail sentence of 18 years to #Alaaddin_Duman, a teacher who was extradited from Malaysia to Turkey due to his links to the Gülen group in 2016, on terror charges.
Duman was given the jail sentence by the Ankara 15th High Criminal Court on Tuesday on charges of membership in a terrorist organization.
In the final hearing of his trial, Duman denied the terror charges and said he was self-employed in Malaysia and did not use the mobile phone application ByLock, which Turkish authorities say is the top communication tool among followers of the Gülen group.
Families of jailed #Boğaziçi students: Everything is a crime in Turkey
On March 19, a group of students protested other students who had set up a stand at İstanbul’s Boğaziçi University campus to distribute Turkish delight in memory of Turkish soldiers killed during the Turkish military’s operation in Afrin, Syria. Police identified 17 of the protestors and detained 15 of them.
So far, 13 Boğaziçi student have been sent to jail by an İstanbul court while 6 others released pending trial after participating in the protest.
Turkish academic gets 18 months in prison over ‘Gülen propaganda’
#Koray_Çalışkan, an associate professor who was put in house arrest on July 10 as part of an investigation into 20 university academics, has been sentenced to one year, six months and 22 days in prison for disseminating the propaganda of Gülen movement on social media.
According to the pro-government Sabah daily, the ruling was made by the Istanbul 24th High Criminal Court.
Turkish petition for peace puts academic freedom on trial
“Police are on campus, they are arresting students from the dormitories, and they check IDs in the library - this is what’s happening.”
Ankara prosecutor issues detention warrants for 48 teachers
Detention warrants were issued for a total of 48 teachers as part of an investigation into the Gulen movement, on Friday.
Police carried out operations in 11 provinces to detain the suspects upon the warrants issued by an Ankara prosecutor.
The suspected teachers used to work for the schools which were closed down by the government over Gulen links.
Turkish government accuses the movement of being behind the failed coup of 2016 while the latter denies involvement.
At least 34 teachers were rounded up at the time of writing.
Report : Teacher dies in prison due to lack of medication
#Halime_Gülsu, who was arrested on Feb. 20, 2018 for allegedly helping the faith-based Gülen movement, died on Saturday in prison in Mersin province, reportedly due to deprivation of the medication she took for lupus erythematosus.
v. aussi : ▻
Since July 15, 2016 coup attempt, a total of 5822 academics were dismissed by gov’t decrees No. 672/673/674 issued on Sept. 1, 2016, No.675/676 issued on Oct. 29, 2016, No. 677/678 issued on Nov. 22, 2016, No.679/680/681 issued on Jan. 6, 2017, No.686/687 issued on Feb. 7, 2017, No.689 issued on April 29, No.692 issued on July 14, 2017, No.693/694 issued on August 25, 2017. Also, immediately after the failed putsch, the Turkish government passed a decree ordering the closure of 15 universities and 800 student dorms across Turkey. The shutting down of the universities has left 61,382 students in academic limbo.
#Academics_for_Peace Granted 2018 Courage to Think Defender Award
2018 Courage to Think Defender Award has been granted to Academics for Peace due to their extraordinary efforts to form solidarity at universities and encourage academic freedom, freedom of questioning and peaceful exchange of ideas.
[VIDEO] Dormitory manager, teacher wife jailed over Gulen links in Turkey’s Karabuk
A Karabuk couple, both educators who earlier lost their jobs in the face of the Turkish government’s post-coup crackdown, has been jailed pending trial over Gulen links.
Y.E., the manager of the now-defunct student dormitory that was closed over Gulen links, and his wife E.E., a teacher removed from her job over similar charges, have been arrested, media said Thursday.
Warrants issued for 93 prep school teachers, employees in Ankara
Detention warrants were issued for a total of 93 people as part of an investigation into the Gulen movement in Ankara, on Thursday.
The suspects consist of teachers and other staff who used to work at FEM Dersanesi, a prep schoold that the government earlier closed over its links to the Gulen movement.
Turkey’s post-coup crackdown leads to climate of fear, self-censorship in academia: HRW
A Turkish court has sentenced 64 academics and former staff members of the Denizli-based Pamukkale University to between 18 months and nine years in prison.
The Denizli 5th High Criminal Court held the final hearing on Friday of a trial stemming from an investigation into the Gülen movement’s alleged network within Pamukkale University. Sixty-four of 115 defendants were given prison sentences of between 18 months and eight years, nine months, mostly on charges of membership in the Gülen movement. Forty-eight of the suspects were acquitted of the charges, with the cases of the remaining three separated from the others.
Meanwhile, a 31-year-old teacher identified as A.Y.C. who was earlier dismissed from his job as part of the Turkish government’s post-coup crackdown has been detained along with his wife, D.C., while reportedly on their way to escape further persecution in Turkey.
The couple was picked up when gendarmes stopped the bus they took in an attempt to go to Greece in Tekirdag’s Malkara district, Turkish media reported. Arrest warrants were issued for the couple over their alleged ties to the Gülen movement six months ago, according to the media.
Turkey: Government Targeting Academics
Turkish court sentences 64 academics, university staff to prison over Gülen links
A Turkish court has sentenced 64 academics and former staff members of the Denizli-based Pamukkale University to between 18 months and nine years in prison.
The Denizli 5th High Criminal Court held the final hearing on Friday of a trial stemming from an investigation into the Gülen movement’s alleged network within Pamukkale University. Sixty-four of 115 defendants were given prison sentences of between 18 months and eight years, nine months, mostly on charges of membership in the Gülen movement. Forty-eight of the suspects were acquitted of the charges, with the cases of the remaining three separated from the others.
Meanwhile, a 31-year-old teacher identified as A.Y.C. who was earlier dismissed from his job as part of the Turkish government’s post-coup crackdown has been detained along with his wife, D.C., while reportedly on their way to escape further persecution in Turkey.
The couple was picked up when gendarmes stopped the bus they took in an attempt to go to Greece in Tekirdag’s Malkara district, Turkish media reported. Arrest warrants were issued for the couple over their alleged ties to the Gülen movement six months ago, according to the media.
Paralyzed teacher being held in Manisa prison for 22 months over coup charges
#İsa_Kara, a 54-year-old teacher who was fired from his job after a coup attempt in July 2016, has been held in a Manisa prison since October 2016 on coup charges even though he is partly paralyzed and suffers from a serious heart problem as well as other ailments.
According to an email sent to editors on Monday, Mr. Kara had worked as a teacher in the Manisa province of Turkey for 34 years. He was fired from his job with a decree issued by the Turkish government on September 1, 2016. He was also arrested by a Manisa court later the same month and has been held in pre-trial detention since then.
Academic #Busra_Ersanli sentenced to 15 months in prison for signing 2016 peace petition
Turkish academic Büşra Ersanlı was sentenced to 1 years and 3 months in prison for signing signing a petition in 2016 criticizing the Turkish government for its violation of human rights and civilian casualties among the predominantly Kurdish population of eastern Turkey.
An Istanbul court convicted Ersanli on charges of making propaganda on behalf of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) on Tuesday.
Prof. Dr. Büşra Ersanlı Sentenced to 1 Year, 3 Months in Prison Without Deferment
Prof. Dr. Büşra Ersanlı, who has been tried for having signed the declaration “We will not be a party to this crime”, has been sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison. The prison sentence of Ersanlı has not been deferred.
Turkish petition for peace puts academic freedom on trial
“Police are on campus, they are arresting students from the dormitories, and they check IDs in the library - this is what’s happening.”
[VIDEO] 4 teachers, 4 children detained while fleeing from Turkish gov’t to Greece
A total of nine people including 4 children and 4 teachers were detained while they were reportedly on their way to escape to Greece.
Dogan news agency reported Saturday that the group was rounded up in a restricted military zone near #Evros river in #Edirne, a small province along Turkey’s Greek border.
Computer science professor given 6 years in jail over terror charges
A Kayseri court sentenced a computer science professor, identified as K.A.P., to 6 year and 3 months in prison over terror charges.
A former academic at the now-defunct Meliksah University, the professor was standing trial without arrest as part of an investigation into the Gulen movement
Media reported Tuesday that the evidence against him include his alleged use of ByLock mobile app and his money transactions at Bank Asya.
Turkish academic who signed peace petition set to go to prison for 15 months
A Turkish academic, who was given a 15-month jail sentence for signing a petition calling for peace in south-east Turkey, has had her sentence upheld and now faces prison. She is likely to be the first academic to be imprisoned for signing the petition.
Zübeyde Füsun Üstel’s 15-month jail sentence, originally imposed in April 2018 for signing a petition drafted by Academics for Peace, was upheld by the Turkish Court of Appeals on 25 February 2019. Üstel is a retired professor from Galatasaray University in Istanbul.
This decision by the appellate court means that she is in danger of being imprisoned very soon.
The peace petition — We Will Not Be a Party To This Crime — was initially signed by 1,128 academics and grew to 2,020 in the weeks after it was released in January 2016. Since then, the signatories have been subjected to a range of actions against them, including criminal and administrative investigations, detention, dismissals and revocation of their passports. As of December 2017, more than 400 academics have been dismissed and hundreds of PhD students have lost their scholarships.
Academics for Peace is an organisation of university professors and graduate students who drafted and launched the petition, which denounced the human rights violations committed by the government in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, demanded access to these areas for independent national and international observers, and called for a lasting peace to be secured.
“I think Professor Fusun Üstel’s case is a new illustration of the criminalisation of free speech in present-day Turkey,” said Noemi Levy-Aksu, a Turkish professor who lost her job for signing the petition.
Üstel was the first academic to refuse the legal provision the courts offer when prison sentences are less than two years. The provision involves suspending the pronouncement of judgment for a period of five years, during which the defendant is supposed to refrain from committing further “crimes”. Since what constitutes a crime in Turkey can be arbitrarily changed or determined by the political establishment, this provision aims to discipline defendants by placing them under supervision by the government. However, the advantage to the provision is that the suspect is left with no criminal record, barring their good behavior.
In her court hearing in April 2018, Üstel refused the offer of a suspension and was consequently sentenced to 15 months in prison. She appealed, but it was rejected on 25 February. She could become the first academic to be imprisoned since the trials began in December 2017. Nine other academics have refused the suspension provision and are waiting to appear before the court of appeals, according to the Academics for Peace website.
Following the confirmation of Üstel’s sentence, new initiatives have been started to raise awareness about her and all of the other Academics for Peace cases.
“An open letter has been endorsed by Academics for Peace-US and UK, academic and human rights organisations and more than 1500 academics from all around the world. Other initiatives are ongoing, especially in Germany, France, the US and the UK, where many academics from Turkey are now based,” said Levy-Aksu.
Investigations were opened by the government individually against each petition signatory on charges of “conducting propaganda for a terrorist organisation.” This is the charge professor Üstel is currently facing, as per the Article No. 7/2 of the Anti-Terror Law No. 3713.
Some judges, including one dissenting judge in Üstel’s appeal case, believe the academics should not be tried under the anti-terror law on the charge of propagandizing for a terrorist organisation. Instead, they argue that Üstel’s and other cases should be considered as per the Article 301 of the Turkish penal code on the charge of “degrading the state of the republic of Turkey”.
“From the beginning, the trial of the Academics for Peace relied on very shaky grounds, both in terms of procedure and substance. The inconsistency of the decisions taken by the different courts show the arbitrariness of the process. Verdicts have been erratic and varied from 15 to 36 months imprisonment,” said Levy-Aksu.
Almost 600 of the signatories are currently undergoing trials on grounds of engagement in “propaganda for a terrorist organisation.”
Üstel published a series of articles in Turkey-based and international journals of social sciences. Her articles have mostly focused on the history of Turkey, nationalism and issues of identity.
Since its founding in 2012, Academics for Peace has organised different actions to highlight attacks on the Kurds in south-east Turkey, and to call for the Turkish government to change its policy towards the Kurds. In 2012 it issued a statement showing support for Kurdish prisoners’ demands for peace in Turkey. This statement was signed by 264 academics from over 50 universities.
Since January 2016 when they published the peace petition, the Academics for Peace case has remained a symbol of the ongoing crackdown on the right to protest and speak out against the government in Turkey.
“In the current circumstances this will highly depend on governmental policy. The other venue to challenge the decision is the European Court of Human Rights, before which several applications have already been brought,” said Levy-Aksu.