Latvian Institute starts campaign ’’I want you back’’
Latvian Institute (LI) has started a campaign in order to reach out to both Latvians who are living abroad and Latvians who have friends or relatives working and living abroad.
After Latvia became a member of EU and especially during the economic crisis in 2010, many hundreds and thousands of people left Latvia and went working abroad, mostly United Kingdom, Ireland, but also Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Now the LI wants to start a bigger project and the first activity is to reach out to Latvians in Latvia and encourage them to say to their loved ones abroad that they want them back.
This social movement has encountered also a quite sarcastic tone, but the director of LI Aiva Rozenberga is sure that this will help.
Divu nedēļu laikā, kopš Latvijas Institūts (LI) nāca klajā ar iniciatīvu Gribu Tevi atpakaļ!, saņemtas visdažādākās atsauksmes. Rīkojot diskusiju ar mediju pārstāvjiem, LI direktore Aiva Rozenberga atzina, ka šis neesot pirmais viņas sāktais projekts, kurā būs jāiet cauri lielām diskusijām. Sociālās kustības sākuma laiks izvēlēts, ņemot vērā, ka tuvojas Latvijas simtgade. “Tas nav par cilvēkiem, kas aizbrauc, bet par mums pašiem – ko katrs var ieguldīt un mainīt to, kas neapmierina,” viņa norāda.
#Latvia #Latvija #Aiva_Rozenberga #Latvian_Institute #Emigration