A comet’s life – a new #sonification from #Rosetta’s #rpc data
In 2014, shortly after Rosetta’s arrival at #Comet_67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the magnetometer on the Rosetta #plasma Consortium (RPC) suite of #Instruments, #RPC-Mag, detected some surprising oscillations in the plasma surrounding the nucleus, revealing the comet’s mysterious “song”. Now, after two years of monitoring the plasma around the comet, the RPC team present a new song based on data collected during the entire mission, describing the comet’s evolution from the point of view of Rosetta’s magnetometer. While the nucleus of Comet 67P/C-G is itself not magnetised, as measured by plasma instruments on both Rosetta and the lander Philae, it is embedded in the interplanetary #magnetic_field carried throughout the Solar System by the solar wind – a continuous flow of electrically charged (...)
#Audio #Fun_stuff #Science #diamagnetic_cavity #music #singing_comet #waves