• Trump’s Bigotry Reminds US Media of Anywhere but Home

    - Donald Trump Tweets Like a Latin American Strongman (Politico, 3/24/16)
    – Trevor Noah: Donald Trump Is Basically an African Dictator (Crooks and Liars, 1/27/16)
    – America Would be Trump’s Banana Republic (Washington Post, 7/21/16)
    – ‘Lock Her Up’ Is the Chant of a Banana Republic (Washington Post, 7/20/16)
    – Who Said It, Donald Trump or a Chinese Communist? (Foreign Policy, 6/10/16)
    – What Hugo Chávez and Donald Trump Have in Common (Reuters, 3/31/16)
    – “Donald Trump has the home-decorating taste of a Third-World dictator. This is not a coincidence.” (Business Insider, 7/18/16)
    – Trumpmenbashi: What Central Asia’s Spectacular States Can Tell Us About Authoritarianism in America (The Diplomat, 3/22/16)
    – “[Trump] sounded like some two-bit dictator of some country that you couldn’t find on a map.” (Politico quoting Elizabeth Warren, 7/22/16)
    – Donald Trump’s Un-American Acceptance Speech (Slate, 7/22/16)


    As FAIR has noted before, the instinct to explain the seemingly inexplicable rise of Trump by blaming a foreign influence–or likening it to something from non-white or Slavic countries–is as lazy as it is subtly racist. Trump is Trump. Trump is American. His bigotry, his xenophobia, his sexism, his contempt for the media, his desire to round up undesirables, all have American origins and American explanations. They don’t need to be “like” anything else. They are like us. While acknowledging this may be uncomfortable, doing so would go a lot further in combating Trump than treating him as anomalous or comparable only to those poor, backwards foreigners.
