Google’s AMP is a gilded cage – Terence Eden’s Blog
Google’s AMP is a gilded cage – Terence Eden’s Blog
Retour d’expérience d’un bloggeur qui a activé AMP, puis a décidé le désactiver au bout d’un moment, et qui se trouva fort dépourvu : toutes ses pages en 404.
AMP, tu y adhères, tu n’en sors plus.
Le gars ne semble connaître ni les RewriteRules ni PHP...
Sur le même sujet :
Switching to Google AMP and back
Today I’m switching back from AMP to regular HTML. One reason is that I found that Disqus didn’t always reliably resizes, but there’s a few others.
I’ve always been pretty big on web standards, and AMP is basically a deviation from that. I really didn’t enjoy changing my <img> to <amp-img> tags. The weird boilerplate and new dependency on javascript didn’t help either. I believe my blog should be useful and useable in in places where Javascript is not enabled, and after removing AMP, this is true once more.
I believe that web standards will always win, so bending to the will of Google Engineers that make the web less open for something that is likely a fad didn’t seem right to me.
Another issue is that google effectively takes over your traffic, and replaces your url with their own. This means that if people want to share a link to your site, they’ll link to google, not you.
I still like the idea of AMP, and I would be happy to restrict myself to a stricter subset of HTML and CSS for better performance and to be allowed to be preloaded in google search results on mobile, but I refuse to tie myself to a superset.
The real question I would have though, is why didn’t they just use Atom or RSS for this?