
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Document 2012 : contrairement aux journaux français, le Guardian remarque que les « rebelles » ne sont pas les bienvenus à Alep, et qu’ils dépensent une bonne partie de leur énergie à s’excuser auprès des habitants pour la « disruption » que représente leur invasion et prétendre que, dès que Assad sera parti, eux-mêmes s’en iront. Hum…

    Syrian rebels fight on for Aleppo despite local wariness

    More than a month into the battle for Aleppo, the rebels who seized control of much of the city sense that its residents do not yet fully support them. Opposition fighters – around 3,000 of them – are almost the only people moving around the eastern half that the Free Syrian Army now controls. The small numbers of non-fighters who remain seem to pay them little heed. Few seem openly welcoming.

    “Yes it’s true,” said Sheikh Tawfik Abu Sleiman, a rebel commander sitting on the ground floor of his fourth new headquarters – the other three were bombed. “Around 70% of Aleppo city is with the regime. It has always been that way. The countryside is with us and the city is with them. We are saying that we will only be here as long as it takes to get the job done, to get rid of the Assads. After that, we will leave and they can build the city that they want.”

    Article retrouvé par Rania Khalek.