
Web, Science, Politique

  • Moving tech forward with Gomix, Express, and Google Spreadsheets - Matt Stauffer on Laravel, PHP, Frontend development

    On November 9th, my wife turned to me and said: “Matt, it’s time for you to stop trying to change individual people on Facebook and go do something real.” Ouch. But she was right.

    Right around that time DeRay Mckesson put out a call to programmers who wanted to help work for social change. I responded, as did quite a few others, and I met DeRay and Sam and Aditi and a few other incredible individuals really making a difference. Over the span of a few weeks I had the chance to work on The Resistance Manual and a few other great projects.

    During this time I’ve had no less than a dozen friends in tech ask me, “How can I as a technologist contribute to social progress?” I wanted to make that question as easy to answer as possible, and I knew there are far more projects out there than just those we were working on at StayWoke. So I decided to catalog them all in one space.

    Pretty interesting take on how to use tools that end-users understand and a simple immediate-deploy system to provide a useful service.