
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • À suivre absolument : Al Akhbar est partenaire de Wikileaks sur la publication des emails de #Stratfor. Le quotidien commence, dans sa version anglaise, avec un premier long article de présentation.

    Stratfor : Inside the World of a Private CIA | Al Akhbar English

    Stratfor is an institution that is ideologically based on neo-conservative ideas of pragmatism. There is an underlining sense of delight for the global power projected by the United States, and its allies. More pointedly, there is a total disconnect to actual realities and vast complexities of the regions and topics they cover. The analysis and discussion regarding the Middle East is most noteworthy in this regard.


    Most of the employees have a fleeting understanding of the topics they cover. It seems that analysts are tasked with topics that they commonly have no background in. In an informal (13) email exchange, aside from the questionable jests by the parties in regards to AIDS, the first line transcribed lets on that the analyst placed in charge of Latin America is not actually an expert on the region, yet was still able to gather intelligence to the satisfaction of her superiors.

    Furthermore, many of the internal documents forwarded around are from Western or Israeli agencies, rather than from other sources in the region, which reinforces the disconnection within Stratfor.

    Et une première sélection d’emails concernant la région :