Geek dilettante habitant une belle et grande propriété sur la Côte d’améthyste

  • AR.js - Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web

    I am focusing hard on making AR for the web a reality. This repository is where I publish the code. Contact me anytime @jerome_etienne. Stuff are still moving fast, We reached a good status tho. An article has been published on uploadvr. So I wanted to publish thus people can try it and have fun with it :)

    – Very Fast : it runs efficiently even on phones. 60 fps on my 2 year-old phone!
    – Web-based : It is a pure web solution, so no installation required. Full javascript based on three.js + jsartoolkit5
    – Open Source : It is completely open source and free of charge!
    – Standards : It works on any phone with webgl and webrtc