
animateur d’un espace de création dans le quartier de Kypseli, Athènes

  • _Water Prisoners of Bangladesh_ by Saud A. Faisal

    As the world watched in horror as Houston and surrounding cities in #Texas received up to five feet of rain last month, #Bangladesh and #Nepal have also been inundated with floods this past monsoon season, causing the death of well over 1,000 people from rising waters. And later this week, #Hurricane #Irma, considered one of the strongest hurricanes ever recorded in the Atlantic, will make landfall in #Florida. We will not know the full effects of this storm until later this week.

    In this online exhibit, Bangladesh photographer Saud A. Faisal brings us these haunting photographs of Bangladeshis wading in water up to their knees in their homes. These are the people least responsible for #climate_change but most effected.

    Has this become the new normal? While the U.S. has been focused on fighting a war against terror as it allocates billions of dollars for surveillance, intelligence, special forces, and weapons, might the U.S. also consider the lives lost due to climate change and the nearly $200 billion that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is claiming his state needs for aid, clean up, and rebuilding. How many more lives lost and cities flooded before our leadership in Washington stops insisting that #global_warming caused by climate change is a hoax?
