
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Liberal icon Stephen Colbert: «We miss» right-wing fanatic Ronald Reagan, a «good man» (oh yes, and war criminal) | Ben Norton

    Colbert, a highly influential liberal pundit and erstwhile satirical presidential candidate, has decided to rewrite Reagan’s ultra-reactionary and grotesquely violent legacy in order to score easy political points against far-right President Donald Trump.

    This phenomenon is part of a much larger trend, in which Democrats have systematically rehabilitated past right-wing figures — like fellow blood-soaked war criminal George Bush and arch-neoconservative John McCain — in order to portray the billionaire bigot-in-chief as somehow uniquely “un-American.”

    Ah la vache, ce «we miss you Ronny, we miss you» larmoyant de Colbert est à gerber.