• Et pourtant c’est l’Europe…
    #Apple, #Amazon, #Google, #eBay and #Facebook All Accused of UK Tax Dodging - Forbes

    The EU has deliberately set things up so that any company registered in any EU country can now sell to consumers in all 27 EU countries as simply and easily as they can to consumers in the one EU country that they are based in. Indeed, this is much of the point of the thousands of laws, directives and regulations that have been issued in recent decades: so as to make the EU one single, large, market. In much the same way as a US company does not have to have a new company in each State that it sells in.

    So, Amazon sells everything to all Europeans through one company in Luxembourg. The other four, Google, eBay, Facebook and Apple, do just about everything through their Irish companies. Now it may be true, in fact it is true, that by choosing those places they are reducing their tax bills than if they had chosen some other EU state.

    But the choice of one EU state to make all the sales from: this isn’t a flaw in the system, it’s what the very system was set up to encourage.


    • Ce système permet aussi à une PME de vendre ses produits dans toute l’Union sans avoir à connaître 27 législations différentes ni à en modifier la composition pour chaque marché. À partir de là il faut certainement une harmonisation fiscale en effet.