
artiste aux mains pleines de doigts - visionscarto.net - Autrice de Bouts de bois (La Découverte)

  • Uzbekistan’s policy of secretly sterilising women

    The BBC has been told by doctors that Uzbekistan is running a secret programme to sterilise women - and has talked to women sterilised without their knowledge or consent.

    “It’s a simple formula - less women give birth, less of them die,” said one surgeon.

    The result is that this helps the country to improve its ranking in international league tables for maternal and infant mortality.

    “Uzbekistan seems to be obsessed with numbers and international rankings,” says Steve Swerdlow, Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

    “I think it’s typical of dictatorships that need to construct a narrative built on something other than the truth.”

    l’éducation des filles est le meilleurs rampart pour limiter les naissances et la mortalité infantile

    #Ouzbekistan #stérilisations_forcées