
Agent d’ingérence étrangère : Alle die mit uns auf Kaperfahrt fahren, müssen Männer mit Bärten sein. Jan und Hein und Klaas und Pit, die haben Bärte, die haben Bärte. Jan und Hein und Klaas und Pit, die haben Bärte, die fahren mit.

  • All Your Data Are Belong to Us - Shelly Palmer
    Dans le contexte du capitalisme moderne la protection des données personnelles est un contresens. C’est un de ses défenseurs les plus intelligents qui le dit. Il y voit un problème et appelle ses lecteurs à proposer une solution. En principe cette solution se prononce dans un seul mot : socialisme !
    Malheureusement ce problème ne se resoud pas par des dicussions entre programmeurs solidaires, mais elle se débat entre les grandes puissances mondiales à coups de canons et de rockets.

    Apple is a hardware company. It sells the most expensive computers and consumer electronics hardware you can buy. Because of its extreme pricing, Apple enjoys extreme profit margins. This is how it has amassed over $235 billion of cash on its balance sheet. Apple uses data to its benefit, and it has absolutely no need to make its data available to anyone for any reason. Apple makes more than enough money selling hardware. Apple also sells software and content. Both are profitable businesses. Apple doesn’t need to share any of that data with anyone either.

    On the other hand, Facebook does not sell hardware or software or content. It sells you. In order to do this, it provides you with all kinds of services you find valuable. When you agree to use Facebook, you are exchanging data that describes how you use Facebook’s platform and the related services (sometimes provided by third parties) for the right to use the services. Facebook has privacy policies. You may or may not like them, but they are articulated in the privacy section of Facebook’s interface and you can set them as you see fit.
    What Would Change?

    Everything! If the government regulates Facebook, the regulations will apply to every data-collecting entity that does business in the United States. With over 2 billion registered users, Facebook would own the largest data set reflecting user aspiration. Aspiration is a valuable currency that can be transformed into cash. Advertisers want to know what you aspire to, and you give that information to Facebook with every item (bit of data) you post, what you click on, read and consume on the platform.

    Google would own the largest data set reflecting user intention. You don’t intend to go to Google; you go to Google and tell it what you intend to do. Google has transformed the currency of intention into over $100 billion of annual revenue.

    To round out FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google), Netflix would own the largest data set reflecting user passions, and Amazon would own the largest data set reflecting user consumption.

    Tight regulation restricting the sharing of data outside these companies would create government-granted data monopolies on the four biggest data-driven currencies: aspiration, intention, passion, and consumption. Advertisers, sponsors, and content providers would have zero bargaining power against these data sets. Regulation would kick traditional media while it is down and would empower giant tech companies to rule the world.
    It Gets Worse

    Without the ability to leverage the data collected by large platforms, start-ups would need funding to purchase access. Maybe that’s a good thing. There’s lots of capital sitting on the sidelines, and perhaps the venture capitalists would enjoy a U-turn back to the days when start-ups actually needed money to start up.

    No matter how you look at this, the consequence of overzealous regulation will be the creation of a handful of de facto dataopolies.

    #vie_privée #monopoles #capitalisme #platform_capitalism #socialisme