#debugging #javascript/TypeScript Node apps with Chrome DevTools, VS Code and WebStorm
This article covers using the Node Inspector to debug both JavaScript and #typescript Node.js applications using Chrome DevTools, Visual Studio Code and WebStorm.As described in the Node.js debugging guide, Node.js 6.3 introduced the “inspect” and “inspect-brk” CLI arguments (node —inspect [file] or node —inspect-brk[file] ) that make node to listen via WebSockets for diagnostic commands as defined by the Chrome Debugging Protocol. This protocol has replaced the V8 Debugging Protocol (Now known as Legacy Protocol), which became obsolete on Node 7.7.Additionally, the Node CLI also provides a “require” argument meant to preload modules (node —require [file]), but most importantly, for debugging purposes, it allows 3rd party libraries to hook into the “require.extensions” module and make Node (...)