Guide into Static Site Generators
As of right now, there are multiple options to choose from when it comes down to Static Site Generators. It doesn’t matter which language you prefer.Would you like to code in JavaScript? There’s Next.js¹ and Gatsby² among the most popular ones. You like to write in Go? Hugo³ would be the best option for you.If Ruby is the language of your choice you should probably go with Jekyll⁴ or Middleman⁵. You can explore the whole list of 458 static site generators here⁶. More enjoyable version of the list here⁷.With the sheer number of options available, choosing one will be a tough nut to crack. In this article, I’d like to go through some of the most popular options and help you make the best decision for your project.JekyllThis Static Site Generator is built on top of Ruby. The first version on Github (...)
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