• Plot Me Genderfluid - Gayta Science: Data Science with a LGBTQ+ Focus

    I started a spreadsheet and logged my gender daily. I created a scale from -5 to 5 to document where I fell for the day. A value of -5 indicated a highly masculine day, whereas a value of 5 specified an extremely feminine day. A value of 0 represented a purely neutral day, either in the agender (without gender) or genderqueer (mix of masculine/feminine) sense. I know the gender spectrum concept isn’t completely accurate, but it was helpful in representing things for me. I also kept track of the max and min of the gender scale for days that had multiple fluctuations, although to simplify the results shown here I only consider the overall daily gender value. In addition to the gender scale measures, I kept a free text column to write my thoughts or feelings about the day. I logged this information daily for over 3 years, from November 2014 to December 2017.

    #gender #visualisation

    • I created a scale from -5 to 5 to document where I fell for the day. A value of -5 indicated a highly masculine day, whereas a value of 5 specified an extremely feminine day.

      Qu’est ce que c’est des jours masculins ou féminins ?

    • Je crois qu’elle veut dire des jours ou elle se « sent » masculine et des jours ou elle se « sent » féminine (quoi que ça puisse signifier par ailleurs…)

    • Bah ma question est sur la signification. Faire des graphiques sans définir ce qui est mesuré ca me semble pas très utile. La mise en forme est amusante et jolie, mais hors de ca je voie pas l’intérêt puisque je sais pas ce qui est mesuré.

    • Elle explique un peu mais ca confirme mes craintes :

      How do I define these things, in particular masculinity and femininity? That is indeed the question and I found as I worked through things my definitions also drastically changed. Initially, although I didn’t see it at the time, I had a very shallow understanding of gender – rooted in stereotypes, tropes, and other shitty things that are beaten into us when we live in this aggressively gendered society. In terms of the daily ranking I kept for my data though, I just “know” what gender I am if I check in with myself. It’s usually pretty clear, in the same way I imagine a cis woman “knows” they are a women.

      Ca reste flou et ca essentialise les femmes cis de parler de leurs sensations pour elles. A la fin elle donne plus de détails. Ses sensation negatives et mauvaises humeurs sont masculine (elle parle de dystrophie) et le jours ou ca va sont féminins.