Une conférence en 1885, picorée sur Twitter
via RJ Andrews alias @infowetrust qui nous offre ces incroyables documents historiques
Set the time machine for 1885 London. Holy mackerel what a program.
Over the next day or so I’ll be sharing my reading of the international event that was the golden Jubilee celebration of the Statistical Society, with a special eye for the “Graphic Method of Statistics”
Who was there? ?? Galton! ?? Toussant Loua (the shaded table)! ?? Francis A Walker (visual Census)!
I’m going right to these ~hundred pgs, all loaded with viz.
the President intro weighs the reasoning for statistics being a science. I really like this bit.
Avec ces remarques et ajouts :
Mara Averick @dataandme dit :
« Fun fact: The @royalsociety was founded in 1660. The first female Fellows (2 of them) were elected in 1945. Interesting @nature article about how its gone since came out in March: ▻https://buff.ly/2JFXXzW (ht @Fausto_Sterling) / apologies for binarification – their data / »
... et a retweeté from DynamicWebPaige @$HOME :
“It is these activities that lead to giving conferenc[e], talks, and groups like @RLadiesGlobal should promote more female participation in them. We all know some outstanding women in those activities, but to truly solve the problem, many more women need to get involved.”
#cartoexperiment #cartographie statistiques #précurseurs #data