Sen. Collins Calls for Kavanaugh’s Presumption of Innocence – Where...
Sen. Collins Calls for Kavanaugh’s Presumption of Innocence – Where is the Criminal Investigation?
October 5, 2018
Our panelists Paul Jay, Dharna Noor, and Dana Vickers Shelley, Executive Director of the Maryland ACLU, and host Marc Steiner discuss the significance of the nomination, why the Democrats didn’t pursue a criminal investigation for perjury, the consequences for women’s rights and whether a fight should be waged to impeach Kavanaugh once he is confirmed. Sanders Calls for Kavanaugh Perjury Investigation – Where are the Democrats?
Dharna Noor and Paul Jay discuss Sen. #Bernie_Sanders ’ call for an #FBI investigation into Kavanaugh’s possible perjury
#Supreme_Court nominee #Brett_Kavanaugh (...)