Managing React modals with singleton component design
(This post was originally posted to my personal blog)Controlling modals of all kinds (informational modals, custom alerts, image lightboxes, …) across an application is a frustrating problem that we all face when developing apps. When the app is simple, it’s sufficient to place a single <Modal /> component and have a state to toggle it on/off. However, things get complicated when you have different places to present the same modal or different kinds of modal to display in your app.There have been a couple of design solutions for this such as using the React Context API (this blog is an example) or manipulating react-navigation’s StackNavigator (as described in this blog post). In this post, I would like to share my own design for this problem using a singleton <Modal /> (...)
#react-native #javascript #manage-react-modals #react-modal #reactjs