How to deploy a blog using Cosmic JS + Vuetify to #netlify
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a minimalistic but awesome single page app blog using Vue, Vuex, Vuetify, Cosmic JS and deploy it to Netlify. Let’s get started.TL;DRDemo LinkView Code on GithubNetlify Deploy “Button”FeaturesNetlify hosting (plus CDN, Prerendering, Minification, etc..)Moderated commenting system (Un-moderated by default)Social share buttonsSEO Meta tags with Vue-MetaIntegrated content management system via Cosmic JSNeeded improvementsStatic page content connected to Cosmic JSPost categories featureGravatar comment integrationBack/Forward buttons to trigger post viewPrerequisitesYou will be required to have Node JS and npm before starting. Make sure you already have them installed. If not you can find them here: ▻https://nodejs.orgAlso in order to deploy it you (...)