Working through Sipser, a textbook on Theoretical Computer Science
— with John K. GibbonsRepresentation of a Turing Machine,My friend John and I have been meeting weekly to workout, have dinner, and in some cases, to study together.Recently, John and I decided to work through a textbook on theoretical computer science together. For John, this was new material, and he wanted to apply to graduate school. For me, it was old hat; I had taken one undergraduate and one graduate course on this, about 30 years ago. Both of us are older than most students, but we are both dedicated to perpetual learning.More importantly, John was fascinated by the famous “P=NP” problem, and I am interested in the edges of “Church’s Thesis” (more on both below.)We chose Introduction to the Theory of Computation (Second Edition) by Michael Sipser. According to the preface, “This book is (...)
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