Enforcing Code Quality for Node.js
Using Linting, Formatting, and Unit Testing with Code Coverage to Enforce Quality StandardsI Licensed from Adobe Stock PhotoIn my last article, I showed you how to use docker-compose to leverage standardized, already existing Dockerfiles for development. The next step in getting our application ready for deployment is productionizing it.I’m going to continue using the React/Parcel example from my earlier tutorial: Move over Next.js and Webpack!Here is the source code: ▻https://github.com/patrickleet/streaming-ssr-react-styled-componentsI also haven’t done anything else related to getting the application “production ready”, so I’ll also talk about what is required for that, though it may take another article to finish… we’ll see how it goes. I’m ad-libbing this.Let’s start with some quality (...)
#code-quality-nodejs #unit-testing #javascript #nodejs #code-coverage