Guide to React Native App Development! Why React Native is the future of App Development?
If Hamlet was re-enacted today, the opening line might be — To “Android or to iOS”, that is the question! In this article, we’ll tell you why Cross-platform app development in React Native works and we’ll provide you with A-Z of React Native app development, the pros and cons of using React Native and why React Native is the future of mobile app development.According to Allied Market Research, the worldwide mobile application market is expected to rise at a CAGR of 19.2% to reach $311,249 million by 2023.The CEO and founder of Interchange, Matt Galligan quoted, “In my opinion, the future of mobile is the future of everything.”, so, businesses who are eyeing to influence people with their innovation need to develop an interactive and fluid mobile app. But, which app platform to choose? Android (...)
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