• 2 chercheuses de l’université de Stanford se sont posées la question des effets de cette interdiction sur le devenir des jeunes filles qui, après 2004 n’avaient plus le droit de porter le voile - baignant ainsi dans un environnement scolaire des plus « laïque »

    Political Secularism and Muslim Integration in theWest: Assessing the Effects of the French HeadscarfBan∗

    PDF : https://vfouka.people.stanford.edu/sites/g/files/sbiybj4871/f/abdelgadirfoukajan2019.pdf

    Do bans on religious expression affect minority integration? In this paper we system-atically investigate the effects of the 2004 French headscarf ban and show that theintegration of Muslim women was negatively impacted by the law along a number ofdimensions. Affected cohorts of Muslim women are less likely to complete secondaryeducation, more likely to drop out of secondary school after the law’s enactment, andmore likely to take longer to complete secondary education. Long-term socioeconomicoutcomes and attitudes are also affected. Treated cohorts have lower rates of labor forceparticipation and employment, and are more likely to have more children. A combina-tion of quantitative and qualitative evidence suggests that these results are primarilydriven by two mechanisms. The first one is discrimination, either through the policyitself or through negative attitudes surrounding and accompanying its implementation.This manifested in school, with direct consequences for educational performance andenrollment, but also in university and in the labor market. The second mechanism isthe strengthening of Muslim identity and the weakening of ties with France, which ledwomen affected by the ban to retreat into their communities and avoid interaction withthe broader society.