A Detailed Comparison Between WordPress And October CMS
This article compares WordPress and October CMS by exposing the important concerns that need to be kept in mind when looking for a suitable CMS for your projects.
Comparaison de deux CMS, avec quelques points qui pourraient être intéressants pour #SPIP.
Installing October CMS is also very smooth: The Wizard installation itself takes even less than five minutes, and if you install it through the Console installation, it is even faster.
Console installation can be performed using the native system or with Composer to manage dependencies.
October CMS a un site répertoire de plugins assez sympa dont on pourrait s’inspirer pour refondre plugins.spip.net :
Both WordPress and October CMS offer a sophisticated plugin manager which allows to search for plugins, install new plugins, and update currently-installed plugins to their latest version — all from within the backend.
October CMS uses Composer as the package manager of choice, enabling plugins to download and install their dependencies when being installed, thus delivering a painless experience.
@james il semblerait que composer ne soit pas incompatible avec la possibilité d’installer et mettre à jour des plugins depuis l’espace privé :)