
La collective TRADFEM est née en 2013 autour de plusieurs projets de traductions, en particulier le texte d’Andrea Dworkin « Je veux une trêve de 24 heures durant laquelle il n’y aura pas de viol ». Ce texte a été travaillé par un petit groupe de gens qui ont alors souhaité prolonger cette collaboration. Celle-ci s’est ensuite étendue avec l’arrivée de nouvelles personnes. Aujourd’hui (2016), la collective rassemble une dizaine de membres, qui ne sont pas nécessairement des professionnel.le.s de la traduction et qui s’y investissent selon leurs possibilités respectives. TRADFEM est mixte avec des personnes vivant en France, au Québec, en Espagne et en Allemagne.

  • #Kajsa_Ekis_Ekman : A Name Of One’s Own – Or How Women Became the Second Sex of the Second Sex

    In a recent letter to the United Nations, the British government recommended that the term “pregnant woman” be replaced with “pregnant person”. This since the term “woman” might offend and exclude pregnant men.

    Now we don’t want to offend, do we?

    Thus, the word “woman” is removed, having been deemed too narrow and exclusionary. But anyone who supports the principles of inclusion will soon find that they also come with a new definition of gender.

    According to this definition, gaining ground without having really been debated, a person’s sex is rooted not in their body, but in their mind. Several countries, including Norway and Greece, have already amended their laws so that people now can self-define their sex with no requirement for surgical intervention. If the current Swedish bill becomes law, this policy will soon also apply here. Faced with the issue, the International Olympic Committee has issued recommendations according to which an athlete can compete as the gender he/she chooses, as long as one has lived as that gender for four years and meets the hormonal criteria. Further, the British Labour Party has published new guidelines concerning its all-women candidates lists, so that anyone who identifies as a woman can enter.

    This change is generally viewed as progressive. From now on, sex will no longer be reduced to biology and transgender people will finally be recognized by law! Positing the change as a question of identity, rather than one of ideology, has made debating difficult – because how can you question somebody’s identity? – when the matter actually concerns society as a whole.

    Version française de #Tradfem :

    #identité_de_genre #politique_d'identité #féminisme