The Quantum Computer: Annihilator of Contemporary #blockchain Technology
With the popularity of cryptocurrencies on the rise, specialists in the area worry about how, when it comes about, quantum computers will threaten blockchain technology, which at the moment still lacks reliable data security.Photo by Pawel Janiak on UnsplashLooming ThreatsQuantum computers are our future, not just with #cryptocurrency but in all areas of life, though the fear that they could — in the realm where they are seen as being of most use at the moment — crack the cryptography which blockchains use for security.The threat is a real one.However, some scientists believe the only way to counter this is to use quantum blockchains as a wall against the threat.A simple case of ‘like for like’.Like Sheep in the BrainSource: Wooden Poster — Do Androids Dream of Electric SheepMy whole interest in (...)