• Asia Times Online

    Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
    By Pepe Escobar / Aug 22, 2012

    Ali Akbar Asadi, from the International Relations Dept at the University of Allameh Tabatabaei, expands on the key event of the next few weeks: the renewed diplomatic relationship between Iran and Egypt - which is drawing Washington’s unmitigated wrath; the State Department, in a childish move, is even saying that Iran “does not deserve” to host the summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran, which will be attended by Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi. [8]

    Asadi goes to the jugular - the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) petro-monarchies are terrified that “Egypt may renew relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran or even enter into strategic relations with Turkey, thus working to undermine the influence and clout of the GCC in the new balance of regional power.”

    Egypt thumbs the nose at US
    By M K Bhadrakumar / Aug 21, 2012


    In sum, Morsi’s decision to open a line to Beijing and Tehran needs to be weighed against a big backdrop. The Brothers apprehend a US-Israeli plan to destabilize Morsi’s government if it doesn’t fall in line with Washington’s diktat. Therefore, they are looking for ways and means to whittle down the current level of Egypt’s over-dependence on the US and its Persian-Gulf allies by diversifying the country’s external relationships and adding countervailing partnerships that would help enhance the country’s strategic autonomy.

    Next week promises to be a defining moment in Middle Eastern politics and inter-Arab alignments when Morsi travels to Beijing and Tehran. With Egypt drifting away, the US’ regional strategies are in great disarray. The immediate question will be what is gained, after all, by conquering Damascus with such mindless brutal violence and bestiality if Cairo and Baghdad have already been lost.

    • Ajout : dernier article en date de Pepe Escobar dans Asia Times sur la Syrie, et plus précisément sur l’avertissement comminatoire d’Obama sur les armes chimiques syriennes et les réponses russe et chinoise :
      En voici la conclusion :

      All the key players here - the US, Russia and China - know Damascus won’t commit the folly of using (or “moving”) chemical weapons. So no wonder Moscow and Beijing are extremely suspicious this “red line” gambit may be yet another Obama deception maneuver, as in “leading from behind” in Libya (this is nonsense; in fact the attack on Libya started with Africom and then was transferred to NATO).

      As Asia Times Online has been reporting for over a year, once again the big picture is clear; this is a titanic battle between NATO-GCC and BRICS members Russia and China. At stake is nothing less than the rule of international law, which has been steadily going down the drain since at least Agent Orange being sprayed all over Vietnam, through Dubya’s invasion of Iraq in 2003, and with the Libyan “humanitarian bombing” reaching an abysmal low. Not to mention Israel daily threatening to bomb Iran - as if this was a trip to a kosher deli.