Mondes Sociaux

Magazine de sciences humaines et sociales en openaccess

  • Phénomène de société, le surf en dit beaucoup sur ses pratiquants et ses territoires. Focus sur ce sport et ses adeptes #sport #territoires #surf #sportifs #sportives

    Surfing has become a real social phenomenon. While some of its prominent media figures ensure increasing buy-in from wider and wider audiences by radically changing the practice, millions of anonymous participants enjoy gliding in summer or braving the cold in winter days just to search for a few seconds of thrills. But, beyond this media coverage, surfing and surfers say a great deal about contemporary societies and the way people live in them.

    In mid-XXth century, surfing began to structure and established its status through the organization of international competitions. It was then recognized as a modern sport and started being used as an element of the socio-spatial structuration and marketing communication of sea resorts. The sports movement helped developing it. Public stakeholders turned it into a political and territorial resource (...)