• Une série Covid-19 new-yorkaise où les patients intubés précocement n’ont pas le mauvais pronostic relevé récemment (voir https://seenthis.net/messages/842942)

    MGH FLARE - April 19 - New Data from NYC

    This article presents a retrospective case series of 393 patients with confirmed COVID-19 admitted between March 5th and March 27th at a quaternary referral center [...] and an affiliated community hospital. [...] They adopted a self-described “early intubation” strategy with minimal use of high flow nasal cannula oxygen and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation.



    The data from this NYC hospital and its associated community hospital provide important insight. Although the data are incomplete for many patients who remain critically ill, the rates of extubation and discharge to-date appear overall better than previously feared. It is challenging to directly compare cohorts between the published reports thus far given differences in proportion of incomplete data, patients populations, health system strain and resources, and mortality reporting metrics (i.e. overall mortality, ICU mortality, 28-day mortality). These early data from our NYC colleagues, if not quite a Fairytale of New York, provide some encouragement and reason for hope.