
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • C’est tout à fait transparent : pour les États-Unis, le « soutien » économique au Liban est conditionné au fait que le gouvernement y lutte contre l’« influence » du Hezbollah. En réponse à la demande du gouvernement libanais auprès du FMI, David Schenker exige des « réformes », de la transparence et de la lutte contre la corruption ; dont il donne un unique exemple : le financement des activités du Hezbollah…

    Lebanon’s IMF request a ‘necessary first step’, says senior US official - The National

    The US is reviewing the plan and will be looking for major reforms.

    “I don’t want to prejudge what the IMF may be looking for but it has to meet a level of transparency and a full commitment to this,” Mr Schenker said.

    He said he expected rigorous conditions to be set by international institutions in implementing the reform plan, requiring commitment across the political spectrum in Lebanon.

    Hezbollah, the Lebanese political and militant organisation, has in the past voiced reservations about requesting IMF help.

    “Hezbollah is not known for its support for reforms," Mr Schenker said. "This is an organisation that funds its activities through illicit finance, corruption ….

    “Reform at the ports that collects revenues is not going to be appreciated by everyone in Lebanon.”

    Controlling borders, closing illegal passages and fixing Customs procedures are some of the reforms for which the international community has been asking, and they could undermine Hezbollah’s influence.