Fil d’actualités Covid19-Migration-Balkans (lucie.bacon@univ-poitiers.fr) relié à CEPED-MIGRINTER-IC MIGRATIONS. Serbie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, République de Macédoine, Monténégro, Croatie, Grèce, Bulgarie, Kosovo, Hongrie, Slovénie

  • Commissariat: Hysterical anti-immigrant campaign led to incident in Obrenovac

    [English bellow - Google Translate] 

    Komesarijat: Histerična antimigrantska kampanja dovela do incidenta u Obrenovcu

    Komesarijat za izbeglice i migracije je najoštrije osudio upad automobilom u punoj brzini u Prihvatni centar za migrante u Obrenovcu.

    Kako upozoravaju iz Komesarijata, ovaj incident opominje da je krajnje vreme da se prestane sa verbalnim, a sada i fizičkim napadima na migrante, kao i da se zaustavi histerična kampanja prema njima na društvenim mrežama koja je, po njihovim rečima, dovela do ovog incidenta.

    „Komesarijat podseća da svi migranti u Srbiji, koji su od uvođenja vanrednog stanja izolovani u centrima, žele samo jedno, a to je da što pre napuste Srbiju. Apsurdno je da to isto žele i oni koji ih svakodnevno napadaju na društvenim mrežama“, navodi se.

    Dodaju da je zbog pandemije nastavak puta migranata ka Zapadnoj Evropi privremeno onemogućen, kao i da je karantin ispunio svoj cilj jer niko od migranata nije zaražen koronavirusom, a prihvatni centri su zdravstveno bezbedni jedino u Srbiji.

    „Srbija je dobra zemlja dobrih ljudi, koja je uspela, kao malo ko u okruženju i šire, da spreči da se opasan virus raširi i među ovom populacijom. Komesarijat se zahvaljuje Ministarstvu odbrane, Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova, Ministarstvu zdravlja, svim lokalnim samoupravama i partnerima koji su nam pomagali da ovaj težak zadatak uspešno obavimo“, istakli su u saopštenju.

    Iz Komesarijata su zaključili da očekuju da se konačno prestane sa antiimigrantskom kampanjom i da Srbija nastavi da pokazuje svoje pravo lice, kakvo je oduvek imala.


    Commissariat: Hysterical anti-immigrant campaign led to incident in Obrenovac

    The Commissariat for Refugees and Migration most strongly condemned the intrusion of a car at full speed into the Migration Reception Center in Obrenovac.

    According to the Commissariat, this incident warns that it is high time to stop the verbal and now physical attacks on migrants, as well as to stop the hysterical campaign against them on the social networks that, in their words, led to this incident.

    "The Commissariat reminds that all migrants in Serbia, who have been isolated from the centers since the introduction of the state of emergency, want only one thing, which is to leave Serbia as soon as possible. It is absurd that those who attack them on social networks on a daily basis also want it, "it said.

    They added that because of the pandemic, the continuation of the migrants’ journey to Western Europe was temporarily hindered, and that quarantine fulfilled its goal because none of the migrants were infected with the coronavirus, and the reception centers were only safe in Serbia.

    "Serbia is a good country of good people, who has succeeded, as few in the environment and beyond, in preventing a dangerous virus from spreading among this population. The Commissariat is grateful to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Health, all local governments and partners for helping us successfully accomplish this difficult task, "they said.

    The Commissariat has concluded that they expect the anti-immigrant campaign to finally cease and that Serbia continues to show its true face, as it has always been.


    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Serbie #Xenophobie #Incident #Obrenovac