Fil d’actualités Covid19-Migration-Balkans (lucie.bacon@univ-poitiers.fr) relié à CEPED-MIGRINTER-IC MIGRATIONS. Serbie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, République de Macédoine, Monténégro, Croatie, Grèce, Bulgarie, Kosovo, Hongrie, Slovénie

  • [Via Transbalkanska Solidarnost - Google Translate]

    11th May, 2020
    Today, we received information from people who were forced to stay in the Lipa camp that many people vomited last night after eating what was served to them for dinner. Food is provided by IOM and CK from donations provided by the EU. We were told that instead of calling them a doctor as promised by the IOM, they called the police who were violent. Today, many people still feel bad.

    We continuously warn that the conditions in the Lipa camp are absolutely unacceptable and that they do not meet even the minimum standards of human dignity. Apart from the fact of overcrowded sleeping tents, without hygienic conditions because there is no running water or sewage, poor infrastructure, it is becoming increasingly clear that repression and violence against already exhausted people are being used more and more. Food, which until now was quantitatively minimal and of questionable nutritional value, is now becoming life-threatening for people who refuse to receive basic medical care.

    We demand from all competent authorities that the Lipa camp, as well as all other camps in Bosnia and Herzegovina, be urgently disbanded, and that people be provided with adequate and humane accommodation and care in accordance with the requirements of human dignity, as prescribed by the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina. international human rights standards.


    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Camp #Lipa #Intoxication