Fil d’actualités Covid19-Migration-Balkans (lucie.bacon@univ-poitiers.fr) relié à CEPED-MIGRINTER-IC MIGRATIONS. Serbie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, République de Macédoine, Monténégro, Croatie, Grèce, Bulgarie, Kosovo, Hongrie, Slovénie

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    How many migrants are currently staying in Tuzla and who is helping them?

    After about 500 migrants were transferred from the bus station in Tuzla to the Blažuj barracks in Sarajevo in mid-March, the migrant situation in Tuzla is much better. According to the TK Ministry of the Interior, 700 migrants were registered in this canton in March, only five in April, and an increase again this month.

    Only yesterday, 17 migrants were registered in Tuzla. Among them is 17-year-old Osama Amir from Yemen. He says that he entered BiH from Serbia with two other friends.

    And from October last year to March this year, about 700 underage migrants like Amir, who were found in BiH unaccompanied by their parents, were registered in TK. They are assisted by non-governmental organizations in Tuzla.

    “The country of children does this by having the mobile team identify the minors in the field, their needs, the situation they are in and we continue to refer them to the other actors in this story. We provide them with help in food, food items that they need “, says Sahiba Srna, a representative of the Association of Citizens” Land of Children of BiH ".

    What is a problem for the non-governmental sector is the decree of the City Administration of Tuzla and the Ministry of Security of BiH, according to which no one except the Red Cross is allowed to distribute food to migrants in an organized manner.

    “We received an answer from the Cantonal Civil Protection Headquarters to the inquiry about the distribution of food to people on the move, which states that there are no obstacles, if the prescribed measures are followed, such as gloves, mask, social distance,” said Danijel Vasilj from the Service Center. in the community “Snail”.

    The center of Puž says that the police prevented them from sharing food several times, which they also informed the Council of Ministers about. After the closure of the Tuzla office for foreigners, most migrants just pass through the city and go to EU countries. Only five migrant arrivals were recorded in April. The number will increase in May, which is expected because the restrictive measures of the competent authorities have been lifted.

    According to the non-governmental sector, more than 100 migrants live in Tuzla every day, mostly in private homes, and some in abandoned buildings. So far, seven migrants have expressed a desire to stay and have sought asylum from BiH.

    Below you can see the complete story of our Vahidin Mujagić.


    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Camp #Tuzla