Fil d’actualités Covid19-Migration-Balkans (lucie.bacon@univ-poitiers.fr) relié à CEPED-MIGRINTER-IC MIGRATIONS. Serbie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, République de Macédoine, Monténégro, Croatie, Grèce, Bulgarie, Kosovo, Hongrie, Slovénie

  • Former Retirement Home in Sarajevo becomes “migrant center”

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    There are 5,500 migrants in the reception centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Sarajevo alone, apart from the migrant camps, there are close to 30 unconditional locations where they stay in groups. They are cared for by volunteers of humanitarian organizations and individuals who consider helping others a civic duty.

    It seems that even among the most empathetic, the dose of compassion for migrants has subsided, and everything one gets used to hurts less. Very often we can hear comments that those from the sale of handkerchiefs, and the mercy of the local population, earn enough money for hotel accommodation.

    "A few months ago I tried to cross the Croatian border, we came to Slovenia. We were caught by the Slovenian police and returned to Croatia, where we were beaten and returned to Bosnia, to Buzim. I will never forget the people in Buzim. They fed us after three We didn’t eat for days, they received us as their children, we spent four days at their house, they gave us clothes. I will remember Bosnia for good, I will forget bad things. I hope to live in Italy with my family. Here, for now, good, ”says Nusif, 27, Morocco.

    Volunteers from the Red Cross and the Danish Refugee Council help them every day. They bring them food, clothes, and provide first aid. Today, they bandaged the wound of a migrant who was stabbed during the so-called “games”.

    "Sometimes it’s not even necessary to do any first aid intervention, but simply give them a conversation. Through conversations, through psychological assessments and consultations, we try to get through the journey they are going through with everyone, and we know how long they’ve been traveling. these are sad stories because they left loved ones in the countries they came from and suffered great torture on the way to a better future, "said Jasmin Niksic, the FBiH Red Cross.

    "Every time, every day, they say thank you for every package we share. It is a satisfaction for us, but it is our duty. We try to understand their condition, to understand the needs of which there are many, and you see that such a location is not adequate. .They are friendly and I would say that we have a friendly relationship.I would tell everyone that we need to get acquainted with something unknown, that their stories and destinies are difficult but when we meet them we will realize that they are living beings who are unfortunately in the position they are. “Our duty as BiH society and community is to help them as much as we can,” added Dino Pehic, Human Rights Protection Sector at the Danish Refugee Council.

    In conditions unworthy of a man in the former Retirement Home in Nedžarići, there are 11 of them. We found some of them sleeping in an improvised bedroom, and maybe they are dreaming of a better life far from here.

    #covid-19 #migrant #migration #bosnieherzegovine #camp #maisonderetraite #campementimprovise
