Fil d’actualités Covid19-Migration-MoyenOrient (tony.rublon@univ-poitiers.fr)-relié à CEPED-MIGRINTER-IC MIGRATIONS.Turquie-Syrie-Iraq-Iran-Liban-Israel-Palestine

  • Turkey: YYD - Impact Analysis of the Covid-19 Epidemic on Refugees on Hatay-Şanlıurfa - June 2020 - Doctor Worldwide Turkey Report

    Awareness about Covid-19 is very important in reducing and terminating the impact of this crisis situation by avoiding any risky actions that may affect people and their environment. The participants, who stated that they accessed current information about Covid-19 mostly from their own language, were found to have a basic level of knowledge about the symptoms and the precautions to be taken, together with some deficiencies. It was observed that most of the participants were not aware of the current announcements about psychosocial support and health services. These disabilities and reservations pose a great risk for refugees with special needs such as pregnancy, chronic illness and disability. Most people have had access to masks and other medical supplies for a certain period of time.An increase in anxiety, obsession, insight and partial psychopathologies and sleep disorders were observed with isolation in the Covid-19 process, routine relationship with the family, fear and future anxiety for the individual and family elders. However, the process of raising awareness that a moderate level of fear or anxiety can motivate people to deal with health threats, but serious troubles can be debilitating and cause dysfunctional behavior and mental health problems.Undoubtedly, the factor of trust in conjunctures where the obvious impact of the crisis can be felt is another focus of humanitarian debates. In general, trust,private and generalized institutional trust can be considered as an internal form of social capital needed and produced by all communities

