
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Josh Block purged the Democratic Party

    — Zaid Jilani left CAP last winter for Republicreport. Jilani had used the term “Israel firster.” 
    –- MJ Rosenberg also used the term “Israel firster.” He left Media Matters last spring, not long after Alan Dershowitz said he was going to Obama to make sure 
    Rosenberg’s head was displayed on the White House fence. Rosenberg now has his own blog.
    –- Eli Clifton left CAP earlier this summer. He now works at the American Independent News Network. Clifton is notable for this genius post of last summer saying that AIPAC’s push for war on Iran mirrored its conduct leading up to the Iraq war. CAP issued a lengthy correction of that post after the neocon campaign was launched, four months after it was published.
    –- Now Gharib. Gharib duly apologized for his remarks (calling them flippant and crude), but he seemed to be operating with a muzzle after the neocon campaign began. (Just look at his output at Open Zion in the last week, including this important piece saying the Jerusalem platform fight is a fight between Romney and Obama for Jewish money.)

    So: the blacklist worked.

    Only Matt Duss among those named in the original smear campaign of last November is still in his job at the Center for American Progress.
    I find it shocking that no one has written about this important story. No; Israel lobby beheadings are common. Move along now.