• The Scandal of Our Drug Supply | by Daniel J. Kevles | The New York Review of Books

    À propos d’un livre sur les médicaments génériques, écrit par Katherine Eban (Bottle of Lies : The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom)

    Sachant l’importance considérable de ces médicaments et la quasi totalité de leur production (et même de la production des « originaux ») en Inde et en Chine...,

    ... In recent years, generics have come to account for 80 to 90 percent of filled prescriptions in the United States. Indian pharmaceutical companies now supply about 40 percent of generics, and India and China together supply 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) of all drugs sold in the United States, whether brand-name or generic.

    lire qu’il y a fraude dans leur production...

    ... to minimize costs and maximize profit, companies circumvented regulations and resorted to fraud: manipulating tests to achieve positive results and concealing or altering data to cover their tracks. By making the drugs cheaply without the required safeguards and then selling them into regulated and more costly Western markets, claiming that they had followed all the necessary regulations, companies could reap enormous profits.

    et lire que cette fraude peut se perpétuer parce que la #FDA fait mal son travail de contrôle...

    The FDA’s lack of rigorous, uniform scrutiny of imported pharmaceuticals has put the prescription drug supply in the United States at risk from contaminated, ineffective, and even fraudulent medications—products that not only might fail to control disease but might themselves be life-threatening.

    alors même que lorsque la même FDA fait correctement son boulot la fraude se révèle gigantesque...

    ... in 2014, during the short period of unannounced visits, FDA agents found serious violations in 60 percent of their inspections of Indian plants, four times the violations rate in the United States.

    il y a vraiment de quoi être effrayé et je me demande comment la mortalité aux etats-unis (et dans le monde) n’est pas beaucoup plus élevée.