Louis Derrac

Éducation et culture numérique

  • The evolution of the global education industry during the pandemic | code acts in education

    Morceaux choisis

    Wealthy individual tech philanthropists have also been given positions of authority as experts in ‘reimagining’ education for the future, in ways which reflect their pre-existing visions, their financial support for technology-centred models of schooling, and their efforts to influence policy agendas.

    Technology corporations have also expanded their digital solutions across education at international scale. Major multinational technology corporations including Google, Microsoft and Amazon have experienced a huge surge in demand for their products and services due to their capacity to deliver solutions at international scale, at speed, and for free.

    Educational companies of various types – from global edu-businesses like Pearson to new startups – have also rapidly marketed and promoted their products for use by schools, often for free or heavily subsidized for a temporary period. Online schooling platforms are promoted by many education companies as long-term alternative models for education, and have experienced huge customer growth and investor interest.

    At the same time, parents and students themselves have been approached as customers of edtech products, as a new market in consumer edtech has become the focus of investor enthusiasm. Direct-to-consumer edtech has opened up a novel niche for the shadow education market of private supplementary tutoring and homework platforms.