• Masks Do More Than Protect Others During #COVID-19 : Reducing the Inoculum of SARS-CoV-2 to Protect the Wearer | SpringerLink

    Le port de #masques ne diminuerait pas seulement le taux de contamination par le #sars-cov2 mais aussi celui de formes graves donc de décès.

    One model showed a correlation between population-level masking and number of COVID-19 cases in various countries, but an even stronger correlation with suppression of COVID-related death rates.9 However, it should be acknowledged that this model could not account for all confounders that led to such low death rates in the regions examined. This group showed that, if 80% of the population wears a moderately effective mask, nearly half of the projected deaths over the next two months could be prevented.9 Countries accustomed to masking since the 2003 SARS-CoV pandemic, including Japan, Hong Kong (Fig. 1a),44 Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, and Singapore,9 and those who newly embraced masking early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the Czech Republic,46 have fared well in terms of rates of severe illness and death. Indeed, even when cases have resurged in these areas with population-based masking upon re-opening (e.g., South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan), the case-fatality rate has remained low,47 which is suggestive of this viral inoculum theory.