• #Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children Without Symptoms of #Coronavirus Disease 2019 | Infectious Diseases | JAMA Pediatrics | JAMA Network

    Overall, 250 of 33 041 children (age range, 0-18 years) without symptoms who were tested at 28 hospitals were positive for SARS-CoV-2 through May 29, 2020. Across the 25 CSAs represented by these children’s hospitals, prevalence varied from 0% to 2.2%, with a pooled prevalence of 0.65% (95% CI, 0.47%-0.83%, with significant heterogeneity; Figure 1). Asymptomatic pediatric prevalence was significantly associated with weekly incidence of COVID-19 in the general population during the 6-week period over which most testing of individuals without symptoms occurred (unstandardized coefficient B = 1.07 [95% CI, 0.60-1.54]; P < .001; Figure 2A). No other factor (CSA population, number of tests performed, region, testing indication, or sample collection site) demonstrated a significant association with prevalence in individuals without symptoms.

    #enfants #sars-cov2 #asymptomatiques