• What Does It Mean If a Vaccine Is ‘Successful’ ? | WIRED

    Aux #états-unis, alors même que de l’#argent_public à été massivement injecté, la #FDA a laissé les #laboratoires_pharmaceutiques définir les critères d’efficacité de leur(s) propre(s) #vaccin(s) contre le #SARS_Cov2 ; par exemple chez Pfizer il suffira d’avoir significativement moins de #COVID-19 non graves que dans le bras placebo pour conclure à l’efficacité du vaccin ..., avec, de plus, comme corollaire la possibilité de pouvoir arrêter leur essai lors des résultats intérimaires et d’homologuer le vaccin. quitte à voir apparaître des effets secondaires graves par la suite.

    Par ailleurs il n’existe aucun essai comparant les candidats vaccins entre eux, pour le plus grand bonheur des labos bien sûr..

    L’#OMS a bien prévu des essais rigoureux en #Europe avec des comparaisons entre produits, mais les choses ont à peine démarré..

    It’s worth it to do these things [comparaison entre vaccins]. And the companies don’t want us to do it. They’d much prefer being oligopolists than to compete,” Bach says. Head-to-head tests would let the market compare their products, and the companies would have no way of spinning the results. (He pitched the idea in an op-ed in Stat.) “They don’t want binary events that would cause their market to evaporate,” Bach says. “Here we have a situation where we have financed a lot of the development, there’s a lot of government IP, we’ve given advance marketing commitments—which are guarantees of revenue—and we’re paying for the distribution. We’ve run the table on reasons why the government should have an interest in managing and guiding the science.”

    Yet that only happened in one case—the government-run trial of the antiviral drug remdesivir. It didn’t happen with any other therapeutics, and hasn’t happened with vaccines. Instead, the regulatory agencies let the pharmaceutical companies define the terms of their own trials. “It makes me bonkers that we think we should let the companies decide on the study designs, because their incentives are off,” Bach says. “When we know definitively that X or Y are not what we want, and we want something slightly different, that’s where the government is supposed to step in and modify the market’s behavior.”

    #vaccins #santé #santé_publique #pharma #big_pharma #marché #dérégulation #délétère