• Andrea-DWORKIN-Heartbreak-The-Political-Memoir-of-a-Feminist-Militant.pdf


    (...) what was wrong with prostituting ?
    I told her about my own experiences in the trade, especially about the #dissociation that was essential to doing the deed. You had to separate your mind from your body. Your con­sciousness had to be hovering somewhere near the ceiling behind you or on the far side of the room watching your body. No one got through it without having that happen. I also told her that she’d begin to hate men; at first manipulating them would seem like power, but eventually and inevitably the day would come when one perceived them as coarse and brutal, smelly, dirty bullies. She had said that she liked sex and that she had had sex with the guy who was now trying to pimp her. I told her that the sex with Abbie’s friend was a setup to make her more pliant and that in prostituting one lost the ability to feel, so if one liked sex it was the last thing, not the first thing, that one should do. I told her that most people thought that women prostituted in order to get money for drugs, but it was the other way around; the prostitution became so vile, so ugly, so hard, that drugs provided the only soft: landing, a kind of embrace - and on the literal level they took away the pain, physical and mental.

    #prostitution #misandrie #sexe #drogue