• Rapid generation of durable B cell memory to #SARS-CoV-2 spike and nucleocapsid proteins in COVID-19 and convalescence | Science Immunology

    [...] antibodies are detectable from approximately 6 days after PCR confirmation of infection, and those directed against spike receptor binding domain (RBD) show neutralizing capacity and hence, can prevent infection. However, the rapid decline of anti-SARS-CoV-2 serum IgG levels beyond 20 days post-diagnosis and the transient presence of circulating plasmablasts have led to questions about the longevity of immunity. In contrast, antigen-specific memory T cells and memory B (#Bmem) cells can be detected in convalescence. As these memory cells are programmed to respond rapidly upon subsequent antigen encounter, it is reasonable to hypothesize that these long-lived memory cells provide durable long-term immunity (4, 25). However, detailed insight into the nature and longevity of the Bmem cell compartment specific to SARS-CoV-2 is currently still unresolved.

    We extensively characterized the SARS-CoV-2-specific Bmem cell compartment using unique sets of fluorescently-labeled recombinant tetramers of the SARS-CoV-2 RBD and NCP antigens in combination with an extensive flow cytometry panel. The SARS-CoV-2-specific Bmem cells were quantified and characterized in 36 samples from 25 patients with COVID-19 or in convalescence. Circulating RBD- and NCP-specific Bmem cell subsets were detected early after infection and persisted over 242 days post-symptom onset. Early after infection, antigen-specific Bmem cells predominantly expressed IgM, followed over time by a predominance of IgG1. RBD-specific Bmem cell numbers were found to positively correlate with circulating TFH cell numbers suggesting prolonged germinal center (GC) activity. These analyses highlight that a decline in serum antibodies in convalescence may not reflect waning of immunity, but rather a contraction of the immune response with the development and persistence of B cell memory.

    #Covid-19 : une réponse immunitaire qui persiste au moins huit mois après les premiers symptômes

    Une étude australienne, publiée mardi 22 décembre dans la revue Science Immunology, offre un nouvel éclairage. Elle montre, chez 25 patients atteints du Covid-19 à des degrés variables puis convalescents, la présence d’une #immunité durable – au moins huit mois – qui mobilise des cellules B « mémoires », c’est-à-dire spécialisées contre ce virus.

    Ce résultat s’ajoute à ceux de quatre autres publications, qui toutes parviennent à une conclusion analogue. « Après une infection naturelle, ce virus peut déclencher la production de #cellules_mémoires spécifiques qui persistent un certain temps dans l’organisme. Cela laisse espérer que la #vaccination saura mobiliser ces mêmes cellules d’une manière au moins aussi efficace », estime Simon Fillatreau, professeur d’immunologie à l’Institut Necker - Enfants malades (AP-HP, Inserm, CNRS, Université de Paris).