Olivier Lange

Artisan-développeur et entrepreneur. Bases de données en graphes, archives digitales, migration de données. Intéressé par la mémoire, les cartes de pensée, le dessin, le théâtre.

  • The Hippocratic License 2.1 — An Ethical License for Open Source Projects

    « For too long, we as software developers have divorced ourselves from the consequences of the code that we write. We have told ourselves that development is a pure and abstract pursuit, and have spent our careers writing programs with the goals of clarity, conciseness, readability, performance, and elegance.

    But we are starting to realize that the software that we create has a real and lasting impact on the world in which we live.

    Politics and software are so tangled that they cannot be reasonably separated. […]

    Introducing the Hippocratic License: an Ethical Source license that specifically prohibits the use of software to violate universal standards of human rights, and embodying the principles of Ethical Source Software. »

    #openSource #licence #governance #values #ethicalSource